“Shivering already? And I haven’t even gotten started yet.” He gave me a light push back onto the cushions.
Luckily for me, I’d moved the Teddy Grahams box from its usual location. I hadn’t edited last night or today because I didn’t need any help revving my motor with this man.
“Oh, but I have.” I looked up at him looming over me, his sheer size making me feel almost petite. My legs were splayed as much as possible in my long skirt, my position utterly sprawled without a thought to what was drooping where.
I just basked in him looking at me with such reverence in his eyes.
“If you look this good dressed, I can’t wait to see you not.” He shut his eyes and held up a hand. “Sorry. This is where I remind you there’s a large chocolate shake with your name on it waiting for you at McDonald’s even as we speak.”
I laughed again and unbuttoned my sweater vest so he could see my turtleneck.Thiswas where the rubber met the unsexy road. “Did you see my snowmen?”
“Oh, I did. Yes. Very nice.”
Somehow his happy pants became even happier, and then I realized why. It wasn’t because snowmen with candy cane noses turned his crank.
But apparently my very hard nipples did.
I sat up slightly. “It’s chilly in here.”
“Do you hear me complaining?”
“You’re supposed to though.” I pulled at the hem just in case he’d failed to get the full picture. “Women my age do not wear stuff like this.”
“Remind me not to show you my ugly Christmas sweater collection then. And I actually like them.”
Guess the turtleneck test had failed. Leave it to Clint to ruin the curve.
I sat all the way up as his smile dimmed. “Now you’ve done it.”
“Kitty—” He broke off as I shrugged off my sweater vest and then pulled my turtleneck over my head.
Without removing my glasses or headband first, so you can imagine the innate hotness of that move. Except it was even worse.
He leaped into action to help me, trying to yank my tangled hair away from my glasses while I fought with material.
Somehow I got the shirt off and he set aside my glasses and then we were rolling around on the couch as if we just hadn’t laughed ourselves breathless.
“You’re so gorgeous.” His low voice against my ear was liquid kerosene inside me. “We don’t have to do this. We can stop anytime.”
“No. I want to. I’m good.”
Vaguely, I recalled all my personal admonitions not to indulge in carnal delights with this man. Yet here I was.
His gaze dropped to my overflowing cleavage, one deep breath from popping the clasp of my bra. “Oh, yes, you are.”
I was fully aware the one I had on was the least sexy undergarment ever. My plan to dissuade him sexually had backfired.
Because I wanted him to see me naked. I wanted him to do things to me. Even if I was doomed to disappointment, I craved those thrilling moments where it seemed as if this time would be the one that counted.
Hell, it already counted more than any other had. I’d never laughed so much with a man while getting naked with him. I’d never just honestly liked and admired one so much either.
Dangerous waters, Kitty.
He knelt between my spread legs as I leaned up to free my breasts. I didn’t look down at myself while I did it. My gaze stayed on his.
Right now, I wanted to see myself as he saw me.
“You’re stunning.” His long fingers nudged back the cups before he caged in my breasts and tipped them up to his mouth, his gaze riveted to mine as his mouth closed around one peak.