One minute early. Eager beaver.
I took a deep breath and buzzed him in, then I stood at the door, smoothing my hands over my wild hair in its headband. I’d left it down and I was already regretting it.
This dating thing was a racket. It was like custom built to make a person uncomfortable.
At his soft knock, I opened the door.
“Hi.” His voice was gruff as he looked me up and down shamelessly. “No robe.”
“No robe.” I pushed my glasses up my nose and hoped my hand wasn’t shaking. I wasn’t connected enough with my body right now, to be sure. “I do own clothes.”
“You sure do. You look amazing.”
This man obviously wasn’t a normal human male. I was wearing a sweater vest, for heaven’s sake. Most younger men would not say I looked amazing.
Andthiswas why I kept offering him sex acts.
I finally dared to meet his burning green eyes. His gaze was squarely centered on my face, not on my tits. He was racking up the points already. “I expected your attention to be lower.”
His quick smile almost made me smile back. Almost. “I can’t deny I noticed them.”
“Well, it’s hard to avoid looking at the sun.”
He laughed and swallowed hard. “Can I kiss you hello?”
I nodded because I couldn’t speak. This didn’t seem like casual date protocol—especially first date protocol—but he was obviously more adept at this sort of thing than I was, so I’d accede to his greater knowledge.
He didn’t grab for my ass or my breasts or any part of me, just cupped my cheek in gentle fingers cool from outside and leaned in to take my mouth. Slowly. Carefully. His lips were warm in direct contrast to his touch, and his minty breath swept over my face before he bit my lower lip, tugging with an urgency that sent a bolt of need right between my legs.
Lo and behold, I could still get aroused in an instant even while wearing a wool chastity belt.
Hormones, didn’t we have an agreement to remain unaffected?
So much for that.
“God, Kitty,” he panted between kisses. “I didn’t intend to do this. I already preordered your milkshake on my app. I had a feeling you’d want to do the drive-thru and I had points.”
I had to break away to laugh semi-hysterically against the shoulder of his leather jacket. The combined scents of leather, cinnamon aftershave, and just clean, crisp male were making me dizzy.
God, I wanted to bury my face into the curve of his neck where his pheromones would be strongest while he drove between my legs.
And I didn’t care about a chocolate milkshake.
Well, at least not right now. There was always later.
I gripped the open sides of his jacket and used them for support as I leaned back to thoroughly check him out. His broad chest was heaving in his forest green sweater, lightly pearled with drops of rain. A quick glance down south revealed he’d chosen to wear that most potent of female catnip—gray sweatpants.
“So not fair,” I said under my breath.
“Hmm?” he asked innocently, tracing his fingertip under my chin to where my pulse throbbed. “I was putting up some shelves, and I ran out of time, so I didn’t change. I didn’t know you’d dress up.”
“You’re a cocktease,” I said as he backed me toward my couch, kicking the door shut behind him.
“I don’t think a guy can be that. Though holy shit, this thing is doing the job.” His fingertip drifted between my breasts, and I swore my whole body flushed hot.
Next time I considered wearing wool, someone needed to tie my arms behind my back.
I shivered. Oh, man, that wassonot the thought to have in this situation.