
And Princess pounced on it. Toy!

Dear God, I’d sobered up entirely within the course of thirty seconds.

“So did you get in major trouble?” Feigning casualness, I leaned a hip against the counter and pretended my cat wasn’t chewing on an object I’d put unmentionable places. I’d thoroughly cleaned it every time using cleanser made just for that purpose, but still.

My life was a horror show.

“Sorry,” I added weakly as he bent to pick up the bullet and held it up to the light as if he was examining a priceless gem for occlusions. “I should’ve just taken a message.”

“Yeah, you should have. But Theresa at Kitten Around set up an appointment to give me a thorough talking to for my ‘questionable judgment’. She wouldn’t have even done that in a normal situation, just let me go, but she’s short-handed and usually my behavior is above reproach.”

“A thorough talking to for what? Also, can I have that back?”

“You.” His eyes narrowed as he pocketed my vibrator. “I think it needs service.”

“What?A vibrator can’t need service—and what do you mean, me?”

“Evidently, due to the inappropriate post last weekend, the server is being overloaded due to people using our classified section as a, and I quote, ‘meatmarket.’ Thanks, Kitty.” He rimmed his lower lip with his tongue. “Or did you say your name was Katherine on the phone?”

I gave up. Simply ignored Princess’s paw batting against my calf now that her toy—mytoy—had been snatched away and buried my face in my hands with a whimper.

Maybe I was really in bed and dreaming. Could be I’d never really gone on that classified section with my ridiculous rent-a-cat request at all.

Even if Lucky’s continued yowls every time Princess tried to eat from her own dish indicated otherwise.

“Look at me.” Clint’s low voice made a shiver work its way down my spine. “Katherine, look at me.”

I dropped my hands and looked.

“My full first name is Clintondale, named after the town my ancestors founded forever ago farther upstate. I’ve spent years trying to outrun my legacy. Do you think I’d judge you?”

“Clintondale, huh? Very stately.”

“Fits, since I’m Clintondale the third.” He rubbed his thumb over the dent in my chin, tilting my face upward in that seductive way of his. “But you did make my life harder in some ways.”

“Is that a pun?” I dropped my gaze to the front of his trousers.

One corner of his mouth lifted. “That too, but I have no complaints in that department.”


“You owe me,” he said lightly. “I’m helping you with your rental cat needs, weird as they may be. But I’m not judging. Honestly.”

His earnest expression certainly fit a man who would never judge. Not to mention he was awfully cute with his hair dipping over his forehead.

I swallowed hard. “Uh, thanks.”

“Besides, I need some help myself.”

I frowned. “With what?”

“My parents have a big shindig for Thanksgiving every year. It’s basically a family requirement.”

“What does that have to do with me?”

He gave me a winsome smile. “Be my girlfriend.”