“That came out wrong. I’m exhausted.” I rubbed the heels of my hands into my eyes. “I’m not a prostitute. Nor am I a pimp. What are your plans for my cat? Is he still alive? Did he bite Princess?”

Rather than kick me out into the cold, she drew me by the arm farther into her apartment and shut the door. Then she helped me remove my jacket and hung it on a peg beside the door. “Just tell me this. Is the dog still alive? Please say he or she is.”

“He is.” I turned back and glimpsed fresh tears on her cheeks although her steely voice didn’t give anything away. “I swear, sweetheart.” I reached out to thumb away her tears, and she gripped my hand.

“Did you call me sweetheart?”

“No. I don’t call anyone sweetheart.”

Or I never had before tonight. From the way Kitty’s face softened despite her steely tone, I wanted to keep right on calling her that. I had a feeling not enough people had used pet names for her.

“He’s alive? Really?”

“Yeah.” I curled my fingers around hers. Why was touching her so easy? So right? “He’s the cutest stray pug, and thankfully, he wasn’t hit by a car at all. He got a foreign object in his paw, some kind of thorn, embedded so deep between his toes I had to do minor surgery. But he was limping and bleeding and whining, so the good Samaritan assumed he’d been hit. Fixed him up and left him to get some rest.” I blew out a breath. “I think he might even have a home come tomorrow. I hope.”

Dex would never let me down. I just knew it.

“Oh, thank God.” Her grip tightened on mine. “You performed surgery in the middle of the night? As tired as you are?” She leaned up on her tiptoes to lace her arms around my neck.

I should’ve nudged her back, but she’d kissed me before I’d headed off to war—err, surgery. So this was kind of an extension of that, right?

God, she felt good in my arms.


“You’re the only man I’ve met taller than me,” she continued while my worn-out brain halfheartedly tried to convince me why I should get to hold her. Or…more. “Well, not met. Only man I’ve hugged and—”

“Kissed,” I reminded her, deciding now was a fine time to put on an exclamation point on that sentence.

I tilted her head so I could take her lips in the way I wanted. Needed to. My fatigue had stripped away any hesitancy I had in that direction, and this time, I didn’t skip the tongue.

I didn’t skip anything.

The moan she let out made me harder than stone. And she gave as good as she got, if maybe with a bit too much exuberance so that I was pretty sure I tasted blood. Our noses collided more than once. Teeth bumped. Her tongue lashed against mine until I wasn’t sure who was leading this dance. Didn’t even care.

Damn, she tasted like a cherry lollipop. Sweet and delicious with a hint of spice. All Kitty.

“I don’t have condoms,” she gasped between kisses. “But I’m on the Pill. Please tell me as a doctor you’re regularly tested for STDs.”

If someone had been filming me, I was pretty sure they would’ve seen my head nearly pop off my shoulders.


“I can’t.” I was physically unable to stop kissing her. “I can’t.”

She slipped away. “Oh. I see.”

“No, you absolutely do not see.” I gripped her shoulders. “I am so tired, and God, I’m really, really sorry—I mean,really—but I can’t guarantee I won’t drop off on top of you mid-thrust. And a relationship just can’t come back from that, you know? Especially not on the first night.” That made me step back. “It’s really still the first night?”

I felt as if I’d lived a million lifetimes since my solo bucket of chicken. Was this some kind of out-of-body experience? Was I going to wake up alone in bed with my spent cock in my hand?

She rubbed her throat as she swallowed again and again. “I do believe so. Whoa, sorry. I can’t keep editing late at night. I practically mauled you.”

“Oh, honey, feel free to maul me like that any time you want.”

She frowned. “First sweetheart. Now honey.”

“Just wait until you hear my dirty talk.”