Then he messaged again. Assuminghereally was a he.

I just wanted to help. But if you don’t need help, fine by me. Good luck on your pussy search. Though maybe next time post this on a more appropriate site.

A pussy is a cat. A CAT. This site is for Kitten Around, a kitten rescue. I posted it exactly where I wanted to. What are YOU doing here, genius?

I’m an admin. An alert went off while I was sleeping about extremely high traffic on the server. I logged in to see someone posting a request for pussy, so I figured I’d send a message first before I removed it. Our servers don’t have the bandwidth to support your solicitations.

Solicitations? You think I was trying to get sex?

You tell me.

I am telling you. Do you have access to my first post?

The one you took down?


He responded twenty-nine minutes later. Yes, I kept track. In that time, Princess showed up and stared at me for several minutes until I received her telepathic communication that apparently breakfast today wasn’t at her normal seven-thirty but at four thirty-six.

After I fed my fuzzy overlord, I returned to find my cabin-candy giver had responded with the message board version ofhmph.

Your post was poorly worded unless you deliberately were being provocative.

Give the man a ribbon! Assuming he is a man. Also assuming he really works at Kitten Around.

Do you see the Admin tag beside my name?

I did see that, yes. Dammit. Harder to accuse one of things when the proof otherwise was right there, but I wasn’t one to go down without a fight.

Maybe you’re a hacker.

Sure. And if I was, hacking into Kitten Around’s site would be my first target. A site that usually has approximately 3 visitors on an average Saturday night in the midnight to six a.m. time period. Tonight? Over five hundred.

Wow, go me. Maybe I should start writing books.

He didn’t reply so I sent another message.

Fine, you’re an admin. Maybe you’re female.

And if I am? I didn’t indicate any interest in the pussy you’re seeking, so my sex is irrelevant.

Oh, come on. Women don’t get excited by that word. That’s a male trigger. You probably have a pussy search-term alert on the server so it flags you first. Sorry to say you were #227 in my inbox.

And maybe you’re a man. You’re the one seeking pussy. All I want is for you to reword your post for clarity without deliberately inflammatory terminology.

Pussy is slang, not terminology.

He responded quickly this time.

Pussy for a cat is slang? Good to know, since it’s the first definition in Webster’s. The dictionary in case you’re unaware.

Much to my shock, I sat back with a smile. I didn’t play chess, but in my brain, someone was screamingcheckmate.

And that someone was directly connected to my mostly dormant libido.

A man who quoted the dictionary to me? Even if he wasn’t a man, I wasn’t sure I cared. This person intrigued me.

Then he sent a picture. Probably to kill me dead, the bastard.