That was all I had.

I bent to grab my tie and Kitty rolled out of bed to try to yank it out of my hand. “I said no.”

I held fast. “I have to go to work.”

“No. Do you understand English?” She yanked on my tie hard enough, I was surprised the fabric didn’t rip. “No, Clint.”

I turned around and fumbled on the nightstand in the dark for my phone and my watch. I slid the phone in my pocket and put on the watch. “I’ll just get my spare from my bag,” I muttered as if her grip on my tie was simply due to a fashion choice.

“No.” She shoved me when I tried to go around her. Shoved me again when I just kept moving, finally angling her body and simply mowing me down until I fell back on the bed.

She climbed on top of me, a shadow wraith in the dark with that wild witchy hair flowing around her shoulders and her dark eyes an unholy gleam in the night.

It wasn’t sexual intent driving her, but something even more potent.

“You can’t go back right now. Do you hear me? You. Can’t. Go. Back. Right. Now.” She braced her hands flat on my chest and bore down against me, her thin pajamas no match for her curves and the frustration leaking through her pores.

She was warm and wriggling against me in the best ways. Even though I was irritated and confused and tired as hell, my body was already responding.

I’d respond to her even if I was unconscious.

“What the hell are you saying? I’m a vet, goddammit. Of course I can go back. Ihaveto go back. They need me.”

“What if I need you? What then?” She ripped open the buttons on her pajama top, revealing all the curves that scrambled my brain when I could just feel them against me.

Seeing them again was a whole other level.

I tried to mount a defense. This was absolutely the last thing I had time for. I knew Grant would be coming in early today and dropping off his young daughter at school ahead of time so he could make it work. I couldn’t shirk my responsibilities. There were still so many animals that needed care.

Yet Kitty’s dark gaze was my touchstone. The very thing I needed to take the next breath.

I reared up to wrap my arms around her as I slanted my mouth over hers and drew in her energy like oxygen. My own was so low, my spirit so depleted, that she felt like a live wire in my embrace, sparking to life the almost burned-out embers inside me.

Her fingers drove through my hair, her nails dragging against my scalp and creating little frissons of pain that overrode the exhaustion threatening to drown me. Hungrily, we kissed, our breaths already sobbing out to fill the air with sound and need.

I filled my hands with her breasts, working the tight tips while I sucked on her tongue and hoped to God I wasn’t being too rough. There was no checking the strength inside me. No place for patience. I had to have her. She’d tossed me a lifeline and I couldn’t do anything other than hang the hell on.

She whispered something I didn’t quite understand as she drew back and dragged her hands down my torso, exploring every part of me she could reach. She used her nails on my skin there, too, and I dropped my head back, letting the heat from her touch slip into all the cold pockets inside me. Then she was undoing my belt and yanking down the zipper, scooping me out before I could even think to voice a protest.

I was almost positive it had been a while for her before we’d come together, and I didn’t want her to feel like she had to do this for me—

“Christ, Kitty,” I gasped as she slithered down the bed to run her tongue over my hot, hard length.

She lifted her head, those witchy eyes riveted on mine. “Call me Katherine.”

Katherine?Now she didn’t want me to use Kitty?

“Holy shit.” She was sucking on the head of my cock with a strength that verged on painful while she kneaded the bunched, tight muscles of my thigh.

I would’ve called her anything she wanted me to if she just promised to never ever stop.

Threading my fingers through her hair, I prayed to hold on while I recited the twelve times table in my head. I only started over about five times before she twisted around to lick my sac and there weren’t enough numbers in the universe to stave off my release.

“Kitty, Katherine, I’m going to—” I tried to formulate words but her teeth lightly grazed my flesh and fuck it, I was a goner.

My hips rocked upward as I fisted her hair and let everything go. Instead of the ache inside me subsiding, it seemed to go on and on as I poured myself between her giving lips. And hell, I could hear her swallowing me. That shouldn’t have been so arousing but it was—and I kept giving her more.

I finally unclenched my fingers from her hair and threw my arm over my face as I dragged in huge gulps of air. My heart was a jackhammer and I couldn’t hear myself think over the frantic thud.