Now there was a thought. Some random book with my torso on the cover could suddenly become a New York Times bestseller and my secret, brief former career would become public knowledge.

At least discreet covers were more popular than so-called “manchest” ones now. I’d definitely posed for ones of the manchest variety. Although there had been one artistic one with fruit and—

Whatever. We might’ve even walked past each other at a romance convention years ago, though editors didn’t attend those as often as authors themselves.

I definitely didn’t remember her. Not the wild hair, not the blazing dark eyes staring defiantly at me right now.

Not that gorgeous body I wanted even more, now that I knew all she was hiding underneath that thick terrycloth.

She knew about sex machines. Watched videos with them or edited stories with them or…

“Why are you staring at me?”

“I find you endlessly fascinating,” I admitted, shrugging on my jacket and zipping it up despite the warmth of the apartment.

Or maybe it was all this talk about sex machines.

“Ugh.” She uncapped a dark bottle and dumped something liberally into the bowl. It might’ve been vanilla or vodka.

With Kitty, you just never knew.

“Why aren’t you eating?” For that matter, why wasn’t I?

There is no sex machine in sight. Down, boy.

“I will. I’m stress baking right now.” She didn’t let me ask any questions about that factoid before she continued. “Are you ever going to give me back my bullet?”

Though it pained me, I unzipped the inner pocket of my jacket and fished it out. “Want me to put it back in the Bible?”

“It’s a hollow book, not really the Bible. Jeez. Can you put it in my nightstand drawer?”

It took so little to put naughty pictures in my head involving this woman. A blessing and a curse for sure.

“Sure thing. I—” I broke off as her phone rang. “I’ll be right back.”

I did as she asked, ignoring her hollow book though it was right there in the drawer. I couldn’t help wondering if it had another secret compartment where she stored other toys. Not my place to check.


When I came back out, she was stirring with one hand and laughing at whomever was on the other end of the phone.

“Oh my God, you’re unreal. Just do as she asked. She wanted those headings, give her those headings. Hey, candy canes need love too.” More giggling.

I wasn’t sure I’d heard her giggle before. Laugh, sure. But her giggle was something else. Girlish, even a little breathy.

Who was she talking to?

“Hey, at least she didn’t ask for dicks. Well, yeah, but you know, the customer is always right. Finish up and get some sleep, Mag. You’ve been working too hard.”

I sat and ate more French fries while I listened avidly. Without shame.

Who was Mag, and why could he or she make her giggle when I’d never yet managed that feat?

“I’ll get you those final chapters soon. She said I could just sign off on any changes I make. No, I haven’t finished yet. I’m not slacking. Just was busy.” When she glanced my way, I winked and ate more fries.

Her flush was my reward. She was so damn hot, even more so because she seemed to have no clue.

“Nothing important. I’m back on track now.”