Sweat was cooling on my skin, and he cuddled close to transfer his body heat, seemingly in no hurry despite his current predicament. He seemed entirely focused on me.

By the time he tugged his sweater off from behind his head, I couldn’t do more than watch. His golden chest was perfectly dusted with dark hair. His shoulders and arms rippled with muscle, but the leanly efficient kind a vet should have.

“You’re not on steroids,” I mumbled, and he just nodded as if that made perfect sense.

He probably had his eye on the prize and my sex-addled meanderings weren’t going to divert him from his goal.

“Did you lose your jacket?” I tried to lean up to look over the back of the sofa to see if he’d dropped it where he’d thrown my clothes. But he simply gripped my chin and drew me back down with a kiss designed to make me forget either of us had ever been anywhere but naked right here.

Alone together.

He lowered the glorious sweatpants and I didn’t even see what he was working with. But I felt it, so hard and urgent against my thigh.

His mouth stayed steady on mine as he fumbled between us. Somehow I knew he’d put on a condom though my brain was detached and floating free from my body.

Then he was angling my hips, positioning me even as I spilled over the cushions. I couldn’t seem to control my limbs. But he took over and lined us up, nudging against my still-twitching pussy, biting my lower lip an instant before he plowed deep.

Not slipped. Not eased. Nothing that size could move in a way to diminish its presence. He took such thorough possession of me that all I could do was moan and clutch his muscled shoulders.

I didn’t even remember to be afraid to touch him. That it was too much, too soon. Too pseudo-familiar. My pussy was his to plunder but gripping the parts of him not made for sex seemed too clingy somehow.

But I had to hold on. And I didn’t want him to stop. I didn’t want him toeverstop.

The climb felt endless. His hips churned against mine and he stroked in and out of me for so long that my moans turned to whimpers.

“I can’t wait,” he breathed against my mouth.

I moaned in reply. I didn’t have vocabulary for this moment.

Me, the brainiac who always had something to say in all situations, could do nothing but hold him as he reared back and emptied himself into the condom, his big body shaking as it collapsed on mine.

As his breathing slowed, he roused enough to reach between us, his fingers circling my clit so expertly that not coming wasn’t a possibility.

Again. Somehow. Breaking all records.

He’d brokenmein the best way.

We didn’t talk post sex, just curled together and shared the same air in companionable silence. I felt myself drifting into sleep before I could even question the impulse.

Before I’d been so anxious. So overwhelmed with questions and concerns. Now I could just be—and he could be with me too.

Oh, boy, I was in trouble.

That thought stirred me back into wakefulness, just as I realized he was asleep on my shoulder, his body crushing mine, his thick dark lashes lying heavy on his cheeks, his lips soft and slack.

They tasted of me. Of us. He’d laid me bare and he’d liked what he saw. He hadn’t seen things to correct or to compare and find lacking.

He’d just seen me as I was at the very core.

Was there any more powerful drug than total acceptance? Too bad my father had forgotten to warn me about the addictiveness of this one.

My heart was trembling in my chest. I wrapped my arms tighter around him to stop the quivering.

Didn’t work.

I didn’t even know what was going to come out of my mouth until the words were there.

“I love you.”