Because we haven’t seen each other in forever. I miss you. And no one should be alone for holidays.


I blinked at Magnus’s texts on the screen.

Sure, okay, whatever. I gotta go…do something.

I turned off my phone and blinked at the pinkish light of morning now filling my room.

I’d almost been asleep before Magnus’s texts, and that was a feat. Between the blazing-hot scene I was editing and the occasional low yowls coming from my bathroom while Princess stuck her golden paw under the closed door to taunt Lucky, sleep shouldn’t have been on my mind.

If I hadn’t been tipsy, that is.

I let out a loud hiccup and covered my mouth as if I expected Princess to be horrified. Add in exhaustion, worry, and just general overstimulation, and I was on my way to joining Clint.

Except I was now fully awake thanks to that unidentified noise. At least Clint had been asleep for his two hours by now.

I was sure he needed much more than that. The guy had been beyond running on empty. Thank God he’d been smart enough to turn down my impetuous offer. What had I been thinking?

Oh, yeah, that I was horny. Still was. In fact, the situation between my thighs was pretty much at a crisis point.

Editing hot stuff, late nights, and too much alcohol weren’t a wise mix.

I turned the whiskey bottle toward the light and contemplated its much lower level. I was drinking more than I should.

Maybe I should take the edge off. Then I’d feel less…jittery. But my vibrator was in the drawer beside my bed.

And I did not feel dexterous enough to get the job done myself. Not that it took much coordination, but mmm, whiskey.

I’d had so much that I hoped he’d slept off his headache because there wasn’t much left for him.Oopsy.

Not that he should drink before work. But who was I to judge? I was drinking during work. His occupation was far different than mine, however.

My gaze snagged on the screen where Sven was pumping into Rina from behind. I bit my lower lip and looked toward the hallway that led to my bedroom.

I really should not do this.

But I could be very, very quiet though. And quick, because my charges would need breakfast soon. Princess was already giving me the eye before batting Lucky’s massive black paw every time it snaked out under the door. I didn’t have much time.

So I’d just sneak into my bedroom, make sure Clint was still breathing, and then finish myself off in—hmm, not the bathroom with Lucky.

Right here on the couch? No, I couldn’t do that with Princess nearby to observe, although my robe hid a lot. Especially since Jackson Galaxy kept saying cats understood more than people knew.

I didn’t want to traumatize my fur baby by doing things in front of her she could neverun-see.

But there was always my rarely used spare room/storage area and my nice wingback chair…

Carefully, I saved the document I was editing, slipped off my editing heels, and padded down the hall to my bedroom, as quietly as an inebriated church mouse.

I peeked into the room and noted that Clint hadn’t moved from his position other than to fling off his socks to locations unknown.

His bare feet were huge. I knew what that meant. Although I’d already known thanks to the impressive erection he’d popped from my breasts.

I had to say his reaction went miles toward bolstering my often shaky self-confidence.

At least physically, most notably when I was without my clothes. Mentally, I didn’t at all doubt my abilities.

When it came to interpersonal dynamics…let’s just say I did better with cats.