My rage boils over and I slam my fist down hard on the table, making Remy jump in surprise. "That's not true!" I shout angrily. "I'm still as lethal as ever; it has nothing to do with Talia or sex! You know damn well that I am capable of making tough decisions when it matters most!"
Remy spits a wad of white phlegm onto the restaurant floor. "This is what I get for letting you marry outside of your own class. I thought you would pick someone more pure-minded, but it's obvious that she has warped your mind. The bitch has to be dealt with once she coughs up your spawn."
I glare at Remy, my anger boiling over. "You can not refer to Talia like that!" I growl, feeling my muscles tense as I take a menacing step forward. "She is family now—she is a Morgan. You will show her the respect she deserves or suffer the consequences."
He points a bony finger at me. "You had better get your house in order and quit playing by your own rules. Otherwise, your twin brother will take over in my place."
I turn away from Remy, unable to contain my anger any longer. I storm out of the restaurant, pushing past Felix and Tripp as they try to follow me. Outside, the chauffeured SUV is waiting for us, and I yank open the door and climb in.
Talia looks up at me, her eyes full of concern. "Was talking to your grandfather productive?" she asks quietly.
I take a deep breath before answering, trying to calm myself down. "Not at all," I reply coldly. "My grandfather is a bastard."
Talia puts her hand on my arm, but I shake it off angrily. She looks away, a hurt expression crossing her face as she realizes that talking isn't going to make a difference this time. We sit in silence as we ride back to our apartment building, until I finally break the silence by slamming my fist against the window in frustration.
"Remy is a bastard."
She glances at me. "Did the meeting go that badly?"
"Yes. And then Remy started insulting you. It took everything I had not to punch his wrinkled mouth and yellowing teeth down his throat."
Talia scrunches her face up. "I'm sorry, Dare. That sounds horrible."
She scoots closer and ducks under my arm, putting her head on my chest. The embrace soothes the beast that rages inside me, quieting my inner agony to a murmur.
I realize with a start that Remy was wrong. Talia hasn't softened me; having Talia at my side has made me stronger than ever before.
Her voice is soft and I can feel the reverberations against my chest as she speaks. "Wouldn’t you be happier if you weren’t always trying to win this inheritance race? What if you just got a business loan and started your own venture?"
I scoff. "Are you saying I should walk away from billions of dollars?"
She slips her arm around my waist and hugs me tightly.
"I'm just suggesting alternatives. You seem so unhappy right now. I hate to see it."
I stare out the window, my mind racing. Talia's words reverberate in my head; what if I didn't need Remy's money to make something of myself? Maybe I could start my own business and become successful that way. It was an intriguing idea but it seemed so risky.
How could I possibly pull it off on my own? Would I be able to secure a loan without Remy's help? Could I really make it without relying on his connections or wealth?
As we arrived back at our apartment building, Talia pulls away from me and looks up into my eyes.
"Dare," she said softly, her voice full of compassion. "You don't have to do this for your grandfather's approval. You can still find your own success without him."
I just kiss the top of her head absently, nodding.
"Let's go inside."
But the idea reverberates inside my head, echoing and bouncing around for the rest of the day.
My heart races as the doctor wheels over the ultrasound machine. This fourth checkup looms in front of me, but instead of feeling nervous, I'm buzzing with excitement. The doctor helps me into the padded leather chair and I recline nervously.
Dare stands right behind me, putting his hand on my shoulder. I am glad of his steady presence. Without him here, I think I would float away somehow. But his touch anchors me.
I reach up and thread my fingers through his. He gives me a quick smile.