I want to get to the bottom of it.
And I want to find Dare. To warn him, yes. But also because I want him to comfort me.
I want him to swear to me that he's going to make this blackmailer pay.
"We have to get back to Harwicke," I tell Olive. "Dare will know what to do."
At least I hope so.
My heart swells with relief as Talia finally makes her way into the ballroom. She looks beautiful in a turquoise dress that hugs her curves just right. She looks more radiant than the sun, her eyes glittering like emeralds, her full lips a light pink and pouting. Talia's hair is pinned up to reveal her long, slender neck and her face is made up with a natural, glowing look. I can't help but smile at the sight of her, and I know that I'm the luckiest man alive.
I take her hands in mine and kiss her palm before pulling away. "You look amazing," I say, my voice full of admiration.
Talia sighs and gives me a weary smile. "Thank you. You look pretty nice in that suit."
There's an awkward moment where I realize that tonight, we are just pretending that we haven't argued. While it isn't my favorite, I can deal with it for the evening.
I nod in understanding. Before I can say anything, Talia leans closer and whispers in my ear.
"We need to talk privately. It's important."
I swallow hard and take a step back. I can sense the distrust in her eyes - did I put it there? I force myself to give her an encouraging smile. "Of course," I reply softly.
My attention is drawn away from Talia as someone enters the ballroom with a flourish. Even before I lay my eyes on Felix, the stench of brandy accompanied by a stifling amount of cologne greets me. I see Felix's tall frame; his gaunt build fills out his black tailored suit perfectly. His silvering hair is slicked back, and his blue eyes have that sparkle of someone who is expecting to get exactly what he wants. His gaze lands on me, and I feel a chill down my spine. He raises his hand in greeting.
Felix has arrived with an obviously wealthy, rather pudgy man in tow. The man's tastefully tailored pinstripe suit bulges around the waistline, looking for all the world like a dam about to burst. Chunky gold rings threaten to be swallowed up by the man's fat hands. He clutches a white handkerchief in one hand, which he uses to wipe the prodigious sweat pouring from his brow and neck.
Felix notices me and beckons me over. Despite the fact that I don't really want to talk to my uncle right now, I obey his instructions and make my way towards him.
"Let's talk after the event is over," I say, looking at Talia.
She looks disappointed, an expression that I am not used to seeing coming from her. It eats me up inside. She nods slowly and steps away from me, purposely creating space.
That's what I wanted, isn't it? It crushes a part of my heart, though.
"I'll catch up with you later," Talia says softly. A strange mix of emotion flickers across her face before she turns away to greet other guests arriving at the ballroom. I see her Aunt Minnie enter the ballroom wearing a flowing dress of deep amethyst. The two women make eye contact and Talia practically runs into her aunt's open arms.
I rub my neck. I have done some real damage to my relationship with Talia. Even I can tell that much.
"Ah Dare!" He beams as I reach him. "Glad you could make it! You'll never guess who I've got here with me." He gestured towards his guests.
"Very impressive," I say politely, although internally I'm rolling my eyes at his antics. He wanted to show off - what else is new? Even though he looks happy in front of his peers, he still has an edge which almost everyone around him notices but chooses not to comment on it openly.
I approach Felix and the bank president, not entirely sure of what to expect. I spend my time schmoozing with him, telling him how great a business reputation his banking institution has. Basically kissing some serious ass. It's a strange experience for me, and it's as unwelcome as Talia's disappointment with me. It seems to do the trick, though... The sweaty man is all smiles and nods by the end of our conversation.
As for Felix, he takes a hands-off approach to letting me do my wooing of the perspiring executive. I notice him scanning the room looking for somebody. A few times he lingers on someone for a while before looking away again. As I get closer, I realize he's been staring at Talia. Seeing that makes me anxious and reminds me of the warning that I just got from my father about Felix.
Does Tripp know something that I don't?
While I'm still talking myself up, I can't help but notice Burn and Daisy make their entrance. They were not on the invite list, but I'm not going to make a fuss in order to have them kicked out. Besides, I want to really rub Talia's pregnancy in their smug faces.
I glance over at Burn and Daisy, but their conversation is too hushed to make out. Burn is gesturing repeatedly to Talia, which only fuels my suspicions. I can’t shake the feeling that something isn’t right.
I make a split-second decision to pull one of my bodyguards aside.