Page 50 of Wed to the Devil

I like to think that I have gotten to know Dare rather well. And I notice his smile slip away for just a fraction of a second before he leans forward, offering Remy his hands. He offers Remy a malicious smile.

“Thank you, sir. It’s been an arduous journey, but I think we all know that it’s practically a done deal by now.”

Remy raises a brow and takes Dare’s offered handshake, pumping it vigorously. He looks at Burn, who looks like he might explode at any moment.

“It seems like you might be right,” Remy says.

Burn glares at Remy and Dare smiles at both of them.

Apparently, I’m going to be having my wedding ceremony in just a week’s time. Dare gave me no warning… and the fact that I am the last person considered in any situation is starting to get really old.

I bite my lip and sink back in my chair, watching the men display dominance over one another.



“Hey.” I lean against the doorway to Dare’s office, pulling on thick wool socks to match my dark jeans and heavy gray wool sweater.

Dare turns his chair around, his expression aggravated. His tone is snippy. “What?”

Stretching my back, I arch a brow. “I was just checking in on you. You’ve been locked in here all morning.”

“I’m fine. The state of Maine, however, is not going to be fine after I am done raking them over the coals. When my lawyers are done with them, they will be so poor that they’ll beg me for my fucking business.”

I give a surprised laugh. “What did the state of Maine ever do to you?”

Dare gives me a long look, balling up a piece of paper in his fist.

“They are very against giving Morgan Drilling a license for offshore drilling. I hired a lobbying firm to persuade the state. But apparently the office of mineral rights is rigidly opposed to the plan.” He hurls the piece of paper toward the wastebasket, but misses. It drifts to the ground and he groans loudly.

“That must be frustrating.” I smooth my hand down the wool that covers my belly.

“It really fucking is.” Dare stands up, shaking out his hands. “I’m tense all over.”

I tilt my head, scanning him from head to feet. He seems really out of sorts. I would feel bad for him if I didn’t secretly think that offshore drilling is a terrible, dangerous idea that threatens the entire planet. Pursing my lips, I make a decision.

“Do you have more work to do?”

He snorts. “Always. It never stops.”

“Can it wait a while?”

Dare narrows his eyes. “Maybe.”

I push off the doorsill, gently taking his arm. “You should come with me.”

He slides his arm around my waist, mischief dancing in his eyes.

“Even though I already fucked you this morning, I could definitely go for another round. That’s a good way to work off some of this tension.”

I roll my eyes. “Easy, cowboy. I want you to come to the horse stables with me. I’m taking the kids from Hope House there.”

Surprise ripples across his face.

“What for?”

“I’ve worked out a deal with the owner to allow them to groom the horses and eventually, to learn to ride. And before you say anything, you should know that I had something similar worked out with them when I was a kid. I really, really loved it.”