Page 37 of The Caress

"We’ll have that conversation soon," he whispers into my ear as his hands skim down my back. "I promise. Can we keep things simple for now, though? Until the police catch the killer, and we can go back to some version of a normal life?"

"Yeah, we can do that." I’m not sure it’s the answer I was looking for, but it isn’t as bad as it could have been.

I guess that’ll have to be good enough for now.



I haven’t been down to the beach since Ella and I went kayaking a few weeks ago, but I can see her and Isla playing in the sand from my office window, and I want to join them.

It has nothing to do with the fact that I can also see one of our neighbors from the villa down the road out there talking to Ella. Nothing at all to do with that.

He’s older than I am and not nearly as rich, though he’s probably got close to a billion, if we’re keeping track. So it’s not like I’mthreatenedby him.

Besides, Ella can talk to whomever she wants, even if that person happens to be an obnoxious loudmouth with more money than taste.

I grunt to myself on my way down the terraced steps to the beach because it occurs to me that people probably say the same thing when they see Ella talking to me.

"How’s it going?" I ask when I’m within earshot. My voice is probably a little too loud and definitely a little too sharp. "Hope I’m not missing anything good."

Ella looks surprised to see me. Our neighbor, Louis, looks annoyed. His irritation grows when she takes a small, subtle step to stand next to me instead of him.

And this is just one of the many reasons why I love her.

I hesitate. Did I just have that thought? Do I really love Ella?

As soon as I wonder that, a tsunami of emotion hurls itself down on me. Anguish, loss, fear... But under all that, there is love. A profound amount of love.

God, I’m in love with Ella. The very thought of it is dizzying. I reach out to steady myself as I look at Ella, swallowing hard.

Just what in the hell am I supposed to do with that information?

The real world pulls me from my thoughts in the next second.

Louis cuts his eyes in my direction, then gives a smarmy smile. "I was just telling your nanny how wonderful it would be if she’d attend a party I’m throwing this weekend. Or next weekend." He tosses a wink at her that makes my stomach turn. "We’re always partying down here in Malta. Aren’t we, Keiran?"

"Some of us are working," I say, earning an eye roll from Louis and a gasp from Ella. Whatever. I’m not going to explain myself to this guy. I’m not going to spend another second talking to him if I don’t have to. I take Ella’s hand and offer Louis an insincere smile of my own. "If you’ll excuse us? We were going to spend some time here on our private beach."

Yes, I emphasized the wordprivate.

No, I don’t care if that makes me a bad neighbor.

"Keir," Ella hisses as we walk away. "Why were you being so mean to that guy? He was nice."

"He’s a creep," I mutter. "Probably just happy to have a pretty, young woman giving him the time of day."

"You think that guy was hitting on me?" She pulls her hand away, giving me a funny look as she stops walking. "Are you crazy or just jealous?"

"I’m not jealous or crazy, thank you," I say, raising my voice and proving her right. "I was just trying to save you from getting dragged off to some swingers party where that old guy would try to do God-knows-what with you." I shrug as if it’s no big deal, even though I’m practically shouting. "But by all means, go ahead and take him up on his offer if that’s what you want to do."

"You really are acting crazy," she says, shaking her head. "What’s gotten into you today? Why did you even come down here if you’re just going to yell at me over something so stupid?"

I take a step back and shove a hand through my hair, trying to come up with an answer that doesn’t make me sound like an asshole.

Yeah, I’ve got nothing.

"Where’s Isla?" I ask instead. "I thought she’d be down here with you."