Page 59 of The Beast

“You definitely don’t have to. I have witnessed Keir yelling at pretty much everyone that he thinks works for him. Which is everyone I guess.”

I give her a wry smile and add milk to the eggs. Saffron adds a few more cubes of butter to the skillet.

“That tracks. Keir has really never been good with people in general. He’s always been brusque and brash. In fact, when he brought Kingsley home for the very first time, I was shocked.” She screws up her face. “Then I got to know Kingsley and my surprise was wiped away.”

Pouring the eggs into the frying pan, I slide her a glance. “Would it be weird for me to ask what the situation with Kingsley is exactly? Everything I’ve heard is from Keir and you know how he is about doling out information.”

“Yeah, he’s super stingy.” She rolls her eyes. “Kingsley was a mistake. I’m not saying that Isla isn’t the greatest kid ever, because she obviously is. But her mother is the bane of Keir’s existence. They basically met at a time in Keir’s life when he was…” She pauses, searching for the right word. “He had political aspirations. Or at least, my mom had dreams of seeing him as Prime Minister. And since my dad was Prime Minister of Scotland, it seems like the logical next step. Keir was basically reared for the specific purpose of being political successor to my father. Anyway, long story short, he rebelled in his own way by being a playboy and partying too much. And he met Kingsley during that phase of drinking and probably doing drugs and staying out all night.”

I stir the eggs with a spatula, listening intently. Saffron pauses to see if I have anything to add, but after a moment she continues.

“So basically Kingsley is from a political family too. And because of her last name, my mom gets it into her head that Kingsley and Keir should get married and have a family. Kingsley literally couldn’t care less and just keeps partying. At that point, Keir proposes to her but he also starts to wonder if she will ever slow down. Kingsley accepts, they get married, they keep partying…and then Kingsley winds up pregnant.”

“And I’m guessing that she doesn’t like it, from what I have gathered,” I say.

Saffron gives a gentle laugh. “You can say that again. Keir basically had to chain Kingsley to the bed to keep her from snorting and drinking up a storm. In retrospect, Kingsley is an addict and she was just behaving like addicts do. But Keir kind of had a come to Jesus moment where he realized that one of them had to be sober in order to be around for their daughter.”

“Oof,” I comment. “That’s some really heavy stuff.”

“It’s not as heavy as when Isla was born. For about two or three months Kingsley stayed home but she warned us that she was not very happy. And then one day, Keir woke up and found a note on her pillow. She was just gone. She disappeared for a few months and came back. Keir tried to get her into rehab and she disappeared for half a year. Rinse and repeat. Eventually Keir had to make a decision for Isla and so he divorced Kingsley and moved out here.”

“Ahh. When I asked him about it, he said that they lived out here because there are less “shiny things” here that Kingsley would be attracted to. I guess that all makes much more sense.”

The kitchen door suddenly swings open. Keir sticks his head in the room and frowns at us. “What are you doing here, Saffron? And why are you awake, Ella?”

I shrug, not interested in telling him that I’m here to eat. Saffron gives a little squeal of delight and goes over to hug him.

“I’m just here hanging out to avoid Mum’s social mixer. She says that it’s a regular occurrence but I’ve got a peek at the guest list and it’s all the families of boys that she approves of. It’s like she didn’t ever learn a single thing from matchmaking between you and Kingsley. Erg.”

Keir’s eyebrows go up but he just rolls his eyes. “Mother will never stop being Mother, I suppose.”

He sniffs the air, glancing hopefully at me. “What is that?”

Flipping the eggs out of the pan, I sigh silently. “Bacon and eggs. I am home sick and this just sounded good. Do you want to try some?”

Keir flashes me a dour look. “No thanks. I just need a pick me up before I go running. Usually I like a banana.”

“Come sit with us for a moment while we eat.” Saffron wiggles her eyebrows. “You can entertain us for a little while, can’t you?”

He levels a look at her but when she drops several hot pieces of bacon onto a couple plates and splits the eggs between them, he follows her as she heads toward the dining room. I pick up a piece of bread from yesterday and tag along after them, feeling a bit out of place. After all, for all Saffron knows, I am supposedly the help. I bet that she is on friendly terms with everybody that works here at the castle, though.

When I enter the dining room, my eyes widen a bit. It’s outfitted with a huge dining room table that seats no less than thirty people and the table is already set with plates, shining silverware, sparkling wine glasses, and large fruit centerpieces. Just as I wonder about whether or not the centerpieces could be wax, Keir drops into a seat, and plucks a banana off the centerpiece closest to him. Saffron sits across from him, leaving me to choose my own seat. I slip into the seat next to hers and carefully move away the delicate gold edged plate that is sitting in front of me. Saffron sets the plate of eggs and bacon before me, her attention on Keir still.

“So you never really told me how you two met.” She looks back-and-forth between me and Keir, raising a brow. “I heard that you are a ballerina but I don’t really have many more details than that.”

I flush and give myself a few seconds by scooping up a pile of fluffy eggs and putting them into my mouth. Saffron’s eyes twinkle when she sees me do it and I wonder if I have just been caught.

Keir works on peeling his banana and doesn’t even look up as he speaks. “We met at a gala fundraiser for the ballet, I think. Is that right?”

Nodding, I flush. “I went to meet some of my friends who were there to fundraise. I am actually a former member of the ballet, not a current ballerina. And my best friend Kaia is married to Callum, who is really close friends with Keir.”

Keir nods, his mouth full. He swallows and then says, “I’ve known Callum forever.”

“You’ve known everybody forever,” Saffron fires back. “For such a social creature, you lack most of the niceties that the rest of us rely on.”

“I think what you mean to say is that I am not boring.” He stuffs a third of the banana in his mouth and arches an eyebrow.

Saffron pulls a face. Ignoring his words, she continues with her questioning. “So you guys meet at this gala event. And then what? Keir asked you to be Isla’s au pair?