Page 10 of The Beast

She looks young, but I can’t actually pinpoint how young. If I had to guess, I would say that she’s maybe twenty five.

The man inside me stands on his tiptoes, shouting that I should pull away from my little crowd and go after this woman. Her cheeks seem flushed and I can’t help but wonder just how hot she would look naked, riding my cock, in the throes of passion.

For a second, my mouth opens. But then she walks up to Kaia, my friend Calum’s wife, and slides an arm around her waist.

They know each other, then.

“There you are!” Kaia says, beaming at the other girl. “You know Calum, of course. But I want you to meet our friend Keir. Keir, this is my best friend, Ella.”


I try not to look shocked as Ella turns to me, smiling widely, and extends her hand.

“Hi. It’s nice to meet you.”

My first impulsive as fuck thought is that there is no ring on her manicured finger. She doesn’t belong to anyone, not yet anyway. Thank god for that.

My second thought is that if she’s Kaia’s best friend, they are probably similar in age. Kaia is married and pregnant, so she can’t be that young.


I can see Ella sizing me up as I lean forward, taking her hand in mine. My hand draws her smaller one and I shake it with purpose, feeling a flash of heat suffuse my cheeks from the mere press of her skin against mine. She looks up at me with those dark eyes, delicately rimmed with lashes, and her nose wrinkles.

Calum jabs me in the ribs with his elbow. “It is considered polite for you to say hi in return, Keir.”

“Hi. My name is Keiran, or Lord Grayrose in case you are a journalist in disguise.”

Releasing Ella’s hand, I rub my side and shoot Calum a dirty look. Ella laughs and I don’t quite know what to do with myself. Her laugh is light and delicate, like the tinkling of a crystal chandelier. I will admit, I fucking love that sound.

Kaia speaks up. “Keir, Ella is looking for a job. Just something for a few months, to bridge the gap between professional ballet and whatever her next big venture is. Are you still trying to hire someone to work as your child’s nanny?”

Again, I’m caught off guard. I cough into my fist to cover my surprise.

“I am…” I answer slowly.

Before I can finish my thought, my brother comes barreling into our little circle. He makes room for himself by pushing Kaia and Calum apart.

“Don’t mind me, big guy,” James says to Calum. Calum glares at him, but when he speaks his tone is cool.

“Don’t touch my wife, James,” he says.

“What? Wife?” James looks Kaia up and down, picking up her hand and acting shocked. “That’s a big ring if ever I saw one. Why wasn’t I invited to the wedding, then?”

Kaia pulls her hand from his, a hint of disgust flitting over her features. “I don’t even know who you are.”

James gives the girls an exaggerated bow.

“Lord James Grayrose at your service. I am currently on the campaign trail, aiming to be the next prime minister of Great Britain.”

“You’re what now?” Ella asks, crossing her arms.

Calum saunters behind James to stand by Kaia’s shoulder. “How do I know two Scottish men and yet both of you sound like prissy English girls?”

A rumble of laughter escapes my chest.

“Ask our mother. She’s the one that sent us both to Oxford,” I suggest. Eyeing my brother, I arch a brow. “Did you need me, Jamie?”

James is too busy looking Ella up and down, practically licking his chops while he does it. “And what is your name, my dear?”