Page 9 of The Beast

Kaia stops and looks back, then clocks my dad. “Is that?”

“My dad, yes.” I paste on a smile as my father elbows his way through the crowd. “Dad, this is my friend Kaia. Kaia, this is my dad.”

She lets go of me and shakes my dad’s hand. My dad sizes her up.

“Would this be the same Kaia that married Calum Fordham? If so, it’s nice to meet you, young lady.”

My cheeks heat.

“Daddy, don’t be embarrassing.”

Kaia gives him an awkward smile. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Washington. Yes, I married Calum last fall. I was actually just about to introduce Ella to a friend of Calum’s. I thought that maybe he would be a good resource for a job when she decides to leave the ballet.”

“Call me Malcolm.” My father pumps her hand vigorously, looking like she just told him the winning lottery numbers. “It’s truly a pleasure, Ms. Washington. Can I have a minute to talk to Ella privately? Then I will release her into your capable hands.”

Kaia looks at me, waiting for my quick nod before flashing a quick smile.

“I’ll be over here. Come over when you’re ready.” She turns and heads toward her husband.

My dad wastes exactly two seconds before drawing me close and whispering to me.

“My whole plan tonight was to get you together with Lord Grayrose and ask for a job for you.”

My lips thin and I can't lift my head. “Daddy, who on earth is Lord Grayrose?”

“Your little friend calls him Keir, which is absurdly informal. He’s a very wealthy and very well-connected man from the foremost political family in Scotland. Getting a job with him would essentially mean unlimited possibilities.”

“Um, daddy. Kaia is just suggesting me for a position as a nanny, not some high paid position or anything. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea about this casual meeting.”

My father grips me by both shoulders, looking me dead in the eyes.

“It is very important that you make the best impression possible when you meet Lord Grayrose. Do you understand?”

“Not really.” I narrow my eyes on my father’s face. “What is this about, daddy?”

He releases me with a sound of displeasure. “Do not screw this up, young lady. He’s a very important man. So whatever you have to do to impress him, make sure you do it well and enthusiastically. You hear?”

“I guess so,” I say, squinting.

He leans toward me, his face contracting like he’s about to punish me. I can’t help the automatic agreement that spills out of my mouth.

“Okay! Yes, Daddy. I will make sure that Lord Grayrose likes me!”

A hard smirk passes over his lips.

“Good. I have to get back to the hotel. But I will expect a full report in the morning. And for your sake, you had better hope that Lord Grayrose is interested in hiring you on.”

“Okay…” I say.

But my father just turns to leave, vanishing behind a bunch of men in suits. I see a passing waiter and snag a glass of champagne, downing the entire thing in a few gulps.

Then I run my hands over my dress, press my lips together, and head toward Kaia, Calum, and Keir.


Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a slim figure making its way toward me. Turning my attention toward the woman is the most natural thing in the world. But when I actually look her up and down, my eyes widen in surprise and I grip my tumbler of scotch tighter.

She’s absolutely breathtaking in a skimpy white dress that highlights the mahogany color of her skin. Her entire countenance seems radiant, almost dewy, her collarbones and thighs on prominent display. Her eyes are dark, her mouth full, her cheekbones prominent. Her hair is an ebony river that cascades down her shoulders and brushes her hips.