Page 56 of The Beast

Heading up the stairs and around the corner to my room, the first thing I notice is that my phone is buzzing. I like to keep my room extremely cold and extremely dark, so the screen of the phone lights up where it lies on the bedside table. Sauntering over to it, I pick my phone up and find a text message from my long time good friend, Stellan. Stellan is the king of Denmark now. But for a long time, his family was the same as mine: the entirety of the country looks up at the Love family, just as Scotland had a huge spotlight placed on the Grayrose family.

So as you can imagine, the two oldest sons from both close knit families are bonded in a special way. Our families were close for our entire childhood. But Stellan and I, being only a year apart in age, are particularly close even to this day.

Stellan texts:Are we still on for the visit in Paris? My wife is pregnant but I feel like an outing is overdue.

I lift my brows. Stellan fell in love with a common American girl with a rebellious streak a mile long. After a torrid affair, they ended up getting married. Now Margo is settling into being the Queen of Denmark. As far as I know, she is a lovely little blonde that complements my childhood best friend pretty damn well.

Congrats on the baby,I text him back.And yes, I think that we should definitely plan a trip to Paris. Are you thinking this summer?

He texts me a smiling emoji.Thanks! It’s her second pregnancy and she is going a little stir crazy with this one. I was thinking that we could leave our kids at home for one weekend of luxury. Does May sound good?

I pursed my lips and check my calendar. It’s packed with notes and events added by a secretary from NewsCorp. Pushing out a breath, I scroll through each weekend and choose one in particular that has the least number of commitments already scheduled.

I am open the second weekend of May. Can I bring a guest?

I texted it without really thinking about it. But now that I’ve hit send, I freeze.

Who am I supposed to bring? Ella?

The only other woman I could even bring is Natasha. And God knows I have spent three solid years keeping Natasha at arms length. Her sarcastic energy makes her a perfectly capable assistant. But I am not attracted to her in the slightest.

I start to text out a quick change of my mind. But before I can, Stellan is texting me back.

The three dots appear and then he says,I didn’t realize that you were seeing anyone new since Kingsley. But I would be extremely glad to meet anyone that you decided to bring. The more the merrier.

I can feel the heat gathering at the back of my neck. I’m not quite embarrassed enough to feel my face flush but I stir uncomfortably, not knowing exactly how to answer Stellan. He is one of my oldest friends and he was integral in my decision to silently go through with divorcing Kingsley. If it weren’t for him, I might still be married to her and waiting around for her to show up after she had disappeared on one of her benders again.

Screwing up my face, I decide not to say anything about it at the moment. It’s nice of Stellan to be so open to meeting a new person that I might date, even if that person doesn’t really exist just yet.

Not ever, if I have my way.

Not after all the shit that Kingsley put me and Isla through.

I end up just texting,thanks, man. I will let you know the details when we get closer to the date. I assume that you won’t mind staying at my penthouse?

I would never say no to an offer like that,Stellan jokes.Gotta go. Little Adeline is on the loose and Margot can’t keep up. Excited about the trip though!

Yeah, me too. Talk to you soon.

Putting my phone down, I suck in a deep breath.

It’s hard for me to believe that Stellan has a kid. Not just the one, either, because he apparently has a very pregnant wife. I’ve been friends with Stellan for most of my life and I never thought that he would settle down, even though he had a lot of pressure put on him because he was a presumptive heir to the Copenhagen throne.

As I run through the shower, I remember quite succinctly how judgmental I was when I first married Kingsley. I thought back then that it was a sign that I had my shit together and that I was really moving on an upward trajectory in my life.

Now I am a thirty-something divorced dad and the only woman that I’ve even looked at twice in the recent days is posing as my nanny. How funny and cruel life can be to men that have big dreams.

I rush through the rest of my shower and spend very little time getting dressed. It’s not like I have a huge selection to choose from when I step into my closet. I have only the best white button down shirts and thirty designer suits in various shades of dark gray, black, and very deep navy blue. I dress almost without thinking about it and drift downstairs, my mind still on Stellan.

How is it that Stellan, a man who at one point was a huge disappointment to the royal family because of his bad behavior, is now on track to rule an entire country peacefully? And yet, here I am, struggling to keep Kingsley at arm’s length while my young daughter acts out constantly? And all I have to run is Newscorp which is a large company but is nothing compared to running all of Denmark.

Maybe when I see Stellan, he can give me some sage words of advice and tell me how to keep my life from spinning out of control.

I’m walking through the ground floor of the castle, heading toward the kitchen in the back. It’s still early enough for the maids and the butler to be off duty. But Mrs. Wolf looks up from her cutting board, startled by my presence as I walk into the kitchen. When she sees me, she breaks into a smile.

“My Lord,” she says, with a curtsy. “I didn’t know you were awake yet.”

Pushing my fingers through my hair, I give her a quick smile. “It’s Keir. Come on now, you’ve known me since I was just a baby. No need for a formalities at this point, eh?”