Page 26 of The Beast

My daddy sees that I’m still processing, so he says the next slowly, almost kindly.

“Our health insurance will not cover about ninety percent of the treatments Joy is going to need. Only cold, hard cash will do that. And that’s why I need a better job.”

I wipe away my tears, not quite understanding. “What now?”

“See, Grayrose made a decision that he liked another news anchor more than me. Probably because she was a white woman. Allegedly, there was an affair between them. So you see, I just want what would technically be mine if Grayrose wasn’t such a toxic, cheating asshole.”

I squint. “Wait… are you saying…”

He smiles grimly. “I want you to gather dirt on him. Something big and juicy. And then when you tell me, I will approach him with the greatest discretion and ask for my job back. Plus enough backpay to fund your sister’s chemo and radiation treatments.” He looks woeful for a second, casting his eyes to the ground. “I am just trying to make sure that your sister will be well taken care of. That’s my truest desire.”

I inhale a shaky breath. “I don’t think that Lord Grayrose will even want me to work for him. Honestly, we didn’t get on very well.”

My father folds his arms across his chest, a grave expression on his face. “Your mother and I checked into treatments for your sister’s cancer. Unless I can get my old job back and all the back pay I am owed, we won’t be able to afford top of the line treatments. Your little sister’s life could be at risk.” He pauses, inhaling. “If there is any way that you can make it work, Ella. Please do it.”

My breath leaves me in a rush.

“What if Lord Grayrose lives a good and moral life?”

Daddy laughs at my suggestion.

“Let me tell you right now. That man is too wealthy and too connected to politics to live anything but a morally bankrupt, corrupt existence. I promise you, there is undoubtedly something juicy.”

Something like… sleeping with the much younger daughter of a former employee while he was a married man? My cheeks color.

My father is right. Keir probably has piles and piles of dirt.

I look up at my dad. “Is there really no other way? What about suing NewsCorp for employee discrimination?”

My father’s mouth twitches with displeasure.

“That will take time. And Joy doesn’t have that time to give.”

Biting my lower lip, I take a slow breath in.

“Hey!” my dad says, his tone sharp.

I glance up, my eyes widening.

“Grayrose? He’s not a good guy. You are not doing any harm to anyone by agreeing to help your sister. Okay?”

“I don’t think it will turn out to be that simple, Daddy. Your plans… they are often slightly… light on the details.”

He grimaces, pointing a finger down. “Are you saying that I don’t want what’s best for sweet little Joy?”

My eyes fill with tears again. “Of course not.”

“Then get on the phone and make things right with Grayrose. He’s still in town, so figure it out while there is still time.”

Glancing behind me, I look at the old clock in the kitchen. It’s twelve noon. If I hurry, I can talk to Keir again before he makes the blackmail drop in the lobby of his hotel.

Blowing out a breath, I nod. “I’ll do it.”

My father grins for a second, then remembers himself. His smile dies and he looks somber.

“Thank you. You know that you are doing the right thing. Joy will get the treatment she needs. And Grayrose will get what’s coming to him, too.”

Scrunching my face up, I sigh. “Fine, Daddy. I think I should change and get ready to leave. I want to try to catch Lord Grayrose before he leaves the country.”