Page 21 of The Beast

“Oh.” I blush, not quite understanding my disappointment. But then Keir places a kiss on my clit and swirls his tongue around it. Then all my thoughts rush out of my head. I run my hands through his hair and buck my hips, throwing my head back.


It’s very early the next morning when I finally roll onto my back, satisfied. Ella lies on her side, her eyelids drooping. I start to wonder if I’m supposed to just let her sleep here.

A big part of me says no. I run NewsCorp, which owns tv stations and newspapers, all on the lookout for the slightest hint of impropriety from someone famous. I know as well as anyone that being caught having Ella in my hotel room is dicey at best.

I don’t think I’ve technically done anything wrong, but it’s better not to chance it.

Glancing at Ella, I clear my throat. She opens her eyes and yawns.

“It’s getting late.”

“It is.” I’m quiet for a beat. “I will have my driver take you anywhere you’d like to go.”

She gives me a suspicious look. “Are you telling me to get out?”

My neck heats. “Not in so many words.”

She sits up, her lips thinning. “I see.”

I arch a brow, indicating that I’m not sure she does. But Ella whips around, pulling the sheet off the bed to cover herself.

As if I hadn’t just explored her every nook and cranny. With my mouth, no less. I can still taste her and I’m damned sure my breath smells like I’ve been eating her pussy.

She gropes for her bra and underwear. Her demeanor is silent and angry, making me feel as though I’ve done something wrong. I haven’t. Not to her, anyway.

I stand up, finding my boxer briefs, my white shirt, and my fancy dress pants. After another half minute of her silently getting dressed, I put on my shoes.

“I’ll walk you down to the car.”

Ella shoots me a glare. “Don’t bother.”

That’s it. I fold my arms across my chest, glaring right back at her. “What’s the problem here?”

She pulls on her dress, miffed. “You are the one with the problem. Not me.I’mfine.”

“You don’t seem fine.”

She slips into her high heeled shoes and then regards me. “You are a disappointment. That’s all.”

My eyes widen and my nostrils flare.

“Really? What gives you the right to say that?”

“Your behavior gives me the right. If you had just asked me what my plans were, I’d have told you that I didn’t plan on staying the night. But no. You made an assumption and then started bossing me around. You’re every bit as entitled as I feared.”

“And you’re a conceited, whiny little girl.”

She gives an astonished laugh. “You know what? Maybe it’s better that it only took you this long to show me your true colors. If I had decided to be your au pair, it could’ve taken me weeks to figure it out.”

I wave her toward the door, my anger rising. “Likewise. I don’t want my daughter around such a negative influence.”

Ella’s mouth twists. “I feel sorry for your daughter. It must be hard for her to have a judgmental, narcissistic prick as a dad.”

Grabbing her by the arm, I tug her toward the door. “This is why I don’t hook up with girls in their twenties. You’re all so damned dramatic.”

She yanks her arm from my grasp and gives me an accusatory glare. “Just so you know, I just turned twenty last week. It’s amazing that you just hopped into bed with me without even worrying about my age.”