Page 14 of The Beast

Smirking, I give my head a shake. “I’ll just bet you have, Lord Grayrose.”

Something crackles in his eyes then, sparking somewhere in those deep pools. He likes me.

And I’m starting to think that I don’t hate him. In fact, if he plays his cards right, I might just finally lose my virginity tonight. Not that he needs to know that…

No one knows that I still haven’t actually gone all the way with anyone. That’s something that I keep close to my chest.

I wrinkle my nose, pondering whether Keir could finally be the one to pop my cherry.

“So what do you actually do for a living? I assume that you work.”

His nose crinkles just slightly and he smirks. “I work in media relations.”

My eyebrows lift. “What does that mean?”

He gives me a low effort shrug, looking a bit bored by my question. “It means I own a very large company and have lots of long, boring meetings. Do we really need to get into it right now?”

“Look, I’m just over here, making conversation. I figured if I’m supposed to be feeling you out and seeing whether I want to work for you, I should find out what it is you do.”

Keir looks me up and down. “Is that what you’re doing? Did this just become a job interview instead of flirting?”

I go red as a candied apple. “I’m not flirting with you!”

He snorts, leaning close to whisper in my ear. “Bullshit.”

I turn toward him, arching a brow. Anyone else would probably look away or at least feel ashamed…

But Keir isn’t just anyone. I feel his vivid blue gaze on me, studying me. He smirks just a little, so handsome that it should be a sin.

He doesn’t say anything else, just lets the conversation settle between us. He lets me stew in our exchange, which I must admit did sound kind of flirtatious.

Keir just looks me up and down, putting his hand to the small of my back as he escorts me out of the car and inside The Continental bar.

I shiver convulsively. Keir’s touch feels like a fiery brand, marking me, reminding me that I’m very much alive.

As we step inside The Continental, the hostess practically falls all over herself when she sees Calum and Kaia together.

“Oh my god! It’s been ages since I’ve seen you!” She beams at our group, gesturing for us to follow her back into the sumptuous, luxurious bar. “Let me take you to the VIP section.”

Kaia pulls away from her husband’s arm with a crooked little smile. “Actually, I’m going to head for the ladies’ room. Ella, do you want to keep me company?”

Licking my suddenly dry lips, I nod. My glance slides to Keir, finding him once again sizing me up. His eyes flick up to meet mine and his gaze threatens to burn me to ash.

“Yes!” I shout to Kaia. “Coming right now.”

Kaia looks so smug as I follow her toward the back of the bar and into the large bathroom. She shuts the door and then turns, grinning as she crosses her arms.

“There are verifiable vibes in the air between you and Keir.”

“You think?” My cheeks flush and I walk over to the oversized mirror that hangs in the bathroom, checking myself out. “I wasn’t sure if I was imagining things.”

“No way. He is definitely feeling you.”

I bite my lip, wrinkling my nose as I turn to see how serious she is. “You think?”

Kaia puts her hands on her hips.

“Okay, this? This whole‘is he really hitting on me?’thing you’re doing? It’s totally unlike you. Actually…” She pauses and tilts her head to the side, her eyes narrowing. “I’ve never seen you react to anyone this way.”