Page 167 of Extra Dirty

The growl from behind us snaps me out of it, and I turn around just as my husband pulls me against his chest and brings his lips to my ear. “Mine.”

I lean my head back against his chest and look up into his eyes. “One hundred percent yours.”

“Well, I’m not,” Sophie mutters, her focus still on the ice.

Jay’s chest shakes with laughter. “Your best friend is a troublemaker.”

Sophie doesn’t even turn around. “Says the man who surprised his wife with a pierced penis.”

“What the hell?” Kevin shouts.

Behind me, Jay growls and squeezes me tighter.

“Sophie!” I hiss.

She shakes her head like she’s just come out of a daze. “Sorry. God, it’s all the testosterone. It went to my head. Come on, Cat. Let’s go eat donuts at the photo shoot. I need to reset.”

“I need answers,” Kevin says, his attention traveling down Jay’s torso, which is hidden behind me.

“Take your eyes off my wife’s body,” he growls.

“If you’d move her, like, five inches to the left, I could get a look at what I’m trying to see.”

“Kevin,” Jay warns.

I can’t help but laugh harder. Jay is going to kill him. Some things never change.

My purse vibrates, and I pull away from Jay to dig my phone out. When I realize it’s his phone lighting up and not mine, I turn to hand it to him, but the name on the screen snags my attention, and before I can stop it, I’ve read the text notification.

Vanessa: I need another million, or I’ll have no choice but to tell all the secrets. Including who Chase’s real mother is.

My stomach drops at the same time my mind takes off at a sprint. Why is Vanessa texting my husband? Why is she asking foranothermillion? Andhowdoes she know about Chase? As far as I know, Jay and my grandfather and I are the only people who know his true paternity.

What the hell did Jay do?




“Fuck, we’re late,” I mutter, working the clasp of the necklace Jay left for me on our bedside table. It’s a gold Irish cross, and while I wouldn’t have picked it for this outfit, I can only assume my husband wanted me to have all the luck we can garner today.

From the bathroom, Jay calls, “We have over an hour.”

He’s right, but I can’t help the nerves coursing through me. Today, my little brother is marrying the love of his life. Things are still tense between Cash and me, but he’s trying. We’ve avoided topics that involve our businesses, but he’s reached out multiple times to talk about Chloe. To apologize for how he handled things. And to invite me to spend time with his daughter.

It’s not perfect, but it’s a start.

And when he asked me to be his best woman, I knew we were heading in the right direction. Now that they’re no longer business rivals, I hope that Cash will one day accept Jay as my husband. Because until that happens, I don’t see any way to mend our relationship completely.

But that isn’t what’s causing this bout of anxiety.

No, I can attribute that almost solely to the roles we have to play today. The performance we’ll have to give.

I think Vanessa is a conniving whore who wants more money, but Jay and Frank don’t want to take any chances. They insist her message means that the Mob is onto us.

Which means we’ll spend the day making it look like Jay and I are fighting. The entire plan makes me sick, but protecting Chloe will always be my top priority, so I’ll go along with it. Because if Frank’s brother discovers the truth about our past, we’ll have a problem.