Page 51 of Extra Dirty

Tiny shivers skate up my body at just the thought of spending holidays with the awful woman.

“I have an idea,” I singsong into the phone.

Sophie studies me with one brow raised, probably wondering what kind of chipper demon has possessed me, since I’m not one to sing song anything.

“Yeah?” Vanessa says, her pitch rising with hope.

“What do you have planned for tomorrow? Any chance you and a few friends would want to meet me and my brothers for drinks?”

“I’ve got two sisters who I’m sure could be free,” she croons.

“Awesome. I’ll text you the details.”

“Thank you so much!”

“No, seriously, thank you. See you tomorrow,” I say, no doubt wearing a huge smile.

“What did you do?” Sophie asks after I hit End.

I let out a deep breath, telling myself that I did the right thing. That I’mdoingthe right thing. “I made things better,” I say tentatively.

That phone call was a sign. A reminder of why what happened last night can never happen again. And a way to hopefully move on completely from the past.

I glance back toward Jay’s office. He’s sitting at his desk with his head down as he works. Almost as if he can feel my gaze, he looks up, and a genuine smile crosses his face. Ignoring the way his smile makes me want to run toward him instead of away, I grab Sophie’s arm and guide us in the opposite direction.

There are certain things that can’t be undone, some things that are insurmountable, and my past with Jay is one of them.

It’s time to finally move on.




From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

July 25, 2022

Subject: Club opening

Ms. James,

You are cordially invited to the opening of Black Label.

Date: Thursday, July 28th

Attire: The fuck-me heels you wore to the club Saturday night

Nothing else.



From: [email protected]