The sound of my name on her lips fills me with satisfaction. “Are you enjoying the celebration?”
“Yes. Of course. Polina is a dear friend, and she’s been counting down the days until she would become Pavel’s wife.”
“What more could a husband ask for?” Her plump lips lift, and impatience thrums in my veins.
“You can probably add season tickets to the Celtics and a wife who practices yoga to the list.” She quirks her head. “As well as a woman with a forgiving nature.”
I let out a low laugh. Something I never do in public. And definitely not around the men who must follow my orders without question. Schooling my features quickly, I flatten my smile. “That sounds incredibly accurate.” Several people look my way and then avert their gaze. “And what would you ask from a husband?”
“I’m not sure if I want one.”
“That’s surprising.” I shift so my body creates a wall of privacy from the onlookers. The woman does everything she can to melt into the background, and I know the last thing she wants is to be the center of attention. “I thought most women wanted to be married.”
“I think many want a decent lover and perhaps a party where they are the center of attention.”
“That statement tells me you’re a realist.”
“I’ve never had a chance to be anything else.” She looks up, and our gazes lock. “But if I were to get married, I would want my husband’s kindness and protection.”
Feeling like I’ve been plugged into a socket, I study every inch of her face and try to remember why I’m not interested in a wife.
“And now that I’ve said something awkward and made you feel uncomfortable, I should go find my friends.”
“Freezing water is uncomfortable. Searing heat in the desert too.” I move closer. “But hearing what would make you happy is not.” Her cheeks flush, and I have a ridiculous desire to make every one of her dreams come true.
“Ice cream makes me happy.”
“What flavor is your favorite?”
“Anything that includes chocolate.”
“Even the one with those little tiny marshmallows?”
“If that’s all that was available, then yes.” She looks up. “What makes you happy, Yuri?”
“Yes,” she laughs. “The emotion that is the opposite of anger, fear, frustration, and boredom.”
“The answer might make you feel uncomfortable.”
“Tell me anyway.”
I breathe in her scent as we shift closer simultaneously. “Your voice.” Her green eyes spark. “It reminds me there are still good people in the world.”
“And your voice sounds like it could hold back the sea.”
The simple statement stuns me. “Which one?”
“The most ferocious and unforgiving one.”
My phone pings with a text alert before I can respond. I check it quickly and silently curse the interruption. “Duty calls.”
“Of course.” She steps back. “Take care, Yuri.”
“I will, Lina.” She melts into the crowd, and I accept that resisting temptation will be damn near impossible.