“We may have a place for you on the crew if the bloodthirsty thing is permanent.” Glancing over, I wink at Vlad. “What do you think, brother?”
“You give the word, and we’ll find a spot for her.” He shoves himself to his feet. “I’m gonna head home. Two days without a shower is two days too long.”
“I’ve been out for two days?”
“Turns out you’re not made of steel and have an actual heart,” Vlad quips before clasping our hands together. “It’s a good reminder for us all.”
I pull him against my chest. “Thank you.”
“Always.” He stays still for a moment and then clears his throat. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”
“You go home too, Lina.”
“I’m waiting for you.”
She shuffles some pillows behind my head, and I feel instant relief. “I’m going to let my eyes rest.” I feel a cool kiss on my cheek as the buzzing in my head eases. We survived. And soon, I will ensure that justice is served to those responsible.
Two weeks have passed since the attack, and I wonder if the guilt will ever ease. “Do you need anything?” I push away from the doorway and join Yuri in his dressing room. “I could make a fresh pot of coffee.”
“I’m fine.” He slides his watch on and glances up. “I love your eyes on me, but please stop looking at me like I’m about to keel over.”
“Should I look at you with indifference?” I zip my locket back and forth. “You got shot because of me.” Picking up a cufflink, I lift his wrist and slide it into his cuff. “Let me fuss over you.” I repeat the process with the other cuff and nod with satisfaction.
“I’m not a fan of fussing.” He kisses the top of my head. “I thrive on being in control. Taking action. And not reacting to situations emotionally. My dominant nature isn’t a faucet that can be turned off.”
“Can you translate what you just said because I don’t speak Alpha fluently?” I watch him choose a tie and slide it around his neck. “I’m racked with guilt and need to show how much I love you.”
“Lina, you have to let it go. You are not responsible for the choices other people make.”
“A bullet tore through your chest because men wanted my father’s fortune.” He slides his holster on, and I do my best to wipe away the picture that plagues me. I pick a handkerchief out of the drawer and hand it to him.
“I’ve been shot for a lot less worthy causes.” He cups my cheek. “I need your respect before your sympathy because I can’t afford emotions that could weaken me.”
“Doesn’t loving another human inherently make one vulnerable?”
“Yes.” He lets out a long breath. “You have touched me in a way that I didn’t think was possible, and I’m doing my best to fit it into my life in the syndicate and the responsibilities I bear.”
“You are the strongest man I know, and you would never allow anything to get in the way of your duties.” Closing my eyes, I breathe slowly. “So when I look at you with concern, it’s only for myself. I don’t want to live without you.” I rub my thumb over his scarred hand. “It’s selfish, really…because I need you.”
“And I will do everything possible to stay at your side.”
“That’s all I ask.” I watch him walk out of our room and tell myself to respect his wishes.
“Did you have enough to eat?”
“Yes.” He wipes his mouth and I take his empty plate. “Thank you for breakfast.”
“You’re welcome.” I refill my coffee cup and then check my phone.
“Anything interesting?”
“Grandmother is confirming her departure date.”
“When is she leaving for London?”