Page 64 of Unbroken

“I don’t want the money, Grandmother. Or the drama and threats that seem to be attached to it. Can I give it back to you and live my life peacefully?”

“Darling, I have more money than I can spend and refusing the inheritance will only put off the inevitable. Your father wanted you to have it.”

“But people want to kill me for it.”

Lifting her glass of champagne, she laughs. “The man sitting next to you won’t allow a split end, much less a bullet wound.”

“True,” Yuri says quietly.

“And outside the real estate holdings, it might not be that much.”

“Really? The Caymans bank account and safety deposit can’t be empty.”

“Well…that’s where it gets interesting.”

“Because it always does,” Yuri says with a smirk.

“The accounts need a passcode to access and no one knows where it is.”

“No scrap of paper in the back of a desk?” I ask with a laugh.

“No. And nothing on his computers, according to the lawyers.” She pops a small chocolate into her mouth and chews slowly. “Viktor did make a comment several years ago that has always stuck with me. He said offhandedly that Inessa held the keys to the kingdom and could whenever she wanted.”

“There were no keys in her things.”

“But there could be a passcode,” Yuri says quietly.

“I’ve gone through everything and didn’t see a string of numbers anywhere. Not that I was looking for it.”

“I suggest divesting yourself of the real estate. Those who are interested are not the type to give up, and the sooner you get rid of it, the better.” She shakes her head. “Generations of Tarasovs have spilled blood to hold on to it and have all paid an enormous price. Please don’t add yourself to that list.”

“I have so many more questions, but feel like I have to process what you’ve told me first.” I lean across the table and cover my grandmother’s hand. “How long are you staying?”

“Till the end of the month, and then I’m off to London for the summer. I have a small townhome in Mayfair.”

“Can we visit again later in the week?”

“I would love that.” She waves her hand around. “Alexey was very generous to make the suite available for as long as I need.”


Yuri stands, helps my grandmother from her chair, and then does the same with me. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Tarasov.”

“Olga.” She pats his hand. “I’m your family now.”

He tips his head and then steps back.

“Let’s talk in the morning.” I hug her gently, inhale her peppermint scent, and feel incredibly fortunate. “You are my guardian angel.”

“And I always will be,” she replies, returning the embrace.

“We better leave before I weep all over you.”

“You can do that during our next visit.” She hugs me gently. “And I will have pictures of the family ready so you can become familiar with your ancestors.”

“I can’t wait.” Marta joins her, and she waves as I follow Fedor and Yuri out of the suite.

Feeling like an invisible weight has been lifted off my shoulders, I take Yuri’s hand and know that nothing that can ruin this feeling.