I hear the sound of heavy footsteps and glance over my shoulder, seeing Yuri and the Vor walk toward a large room that looks like a library.
“It feels chilly, doesn’t it?” Stasia asks with an arched brow.
“We’re fine.”
“Oooh, this sounds like a conversation that needs wine.” She pulls both our hands. “I have everything set up in the media room.”
I follow our hostess and give Stasia the eye. The last thing I want to do is discuss my strained relationship with my husband.
“Good lord, this is better than a theater,” Stasia comments as we walk into a room with comfortable couches and chairs.
“I’ve yet to meet a mobster that doesn’t believe that bigger is better.” She pours three glasses of wine and hands them out. “Come and sit.”
We join her on the oversized couch that faces the large screen, and I notice a massive spread of food. “Who is joining us?”
“No one,” Gianna replies, waving her hand toward the low slung table filled with an array of finger foods. “If there aren’t leftovers for fifteen, I haven’t made enough.”
“We’ll do our best,” Stasia comments as she fills a small plate.
“So what sin did Yuri commit?” Gianna asks before popping a cube of cheese into her mouth. “Has he been mute and hiding behind a wall of indifference?”
“It’s fine.” I nibble a cracker. “We’re fine.”
“Liar,” Stasia says quietly. “You two were loved up and smoochy smoochy when I left you on Saturday. It’s now Tuesday, and you two make the Artic look like a tropical beach.”
“I’m sure Gianna doesn’t want to hear about it.” I sip my wine. “We’re adjusting to a new…and weird situation.”
“Did he come home in a bloody suit and behave like he escaped Dante’s eleventh circle of hell?” Gianna asks quietly. “Because I can see how that would be disconcerting.” She leans forward. “When I was young, I was convinced that blood would run down the walls if you peeled off a piece of wallpaper.”
“Jeezus,” Stasia mutters. “That’s horrible.”
“It’s life,” Gianna replies with a casual shrug. “If you’re not born into it, it’s difficult to reconcile.”
I set down my wine glass. “He killed a man for saying something disrespectful.”
“Is that the whole story?” Giannas asks quietly. “Because despite his reputation, he is fair.” She wiped the corner of her mouth. “If you love the man, you must accept his world. The two are not inseparable, and to believe otherwise will only cause you pain.”
“Yuri didn’t do it for sport.” I look up. “He said the man was from the Cartels and knew what to expect.”
“For what’s it worth, that’s true,” Gianna replies. “And while it’s unfortunate that you were there, it’s probably beneficial to see what it costs someone to protect you.”
“There is no free lunch,” Stasia comments.
A stark reminder of what Yuri has offered to do. Perhaps it is time to take off my rose-colored glasses and see what my husband’s promises cost him.
I don’t need to understand all the rules of this new world I’ve joined, but I do need to accept them. Because one day, very soon, they will probably keep me alive.
“Should we start watching Vanderpump Rules before I bring down the room and completely kill the vibe on our first girl’s night?” Gianna asks as she refills our glasses.
“Let’s start it,” Stasia says. “And for the record, I trust the Bratva much more than any politician or reality tv star. Because what you see is what you get.”
“They do have a code of honor,” Gianna comments as she grabs the remote.
“That they do,” I reply quietly, seeing my husband stand in the doorway. Smiling tentatively, I know the sooner I can accept the realities of my new world, the better chance my marriage has of succeeding. Something I’ve decided that I want very much.
I wave to Stasia as she steps into her apartment and take my husband’s hand. “I’m sorry I’ve been so quiet for the last couple of days.”