Page 4 of Unbroken


Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.I will either find a way or I will make one.

A phrase I had to repeat twice during the delivery that almost cost us a soldier.

Why people fool themselves and think my reputation isn’t well earned is a mystery because risking my displeasure always has the same results. “Whatever. Let it go. If fools want to fill the cemetery, then so be it.”

I pull into my usual parking space at the Volkov estate, cut the engine, and grab my suit coat. Once I’m standing in front of my car, I take a minute to appreciate how good my baby looks in the afternoon sun. There’s nothing better than an American muscle car, and my Mustang Shelby is the finest example around.

“You’re looking at your car like a lover.”

Glancing up, I see the Vor’s brother stride in my direction. “Unlike women, this one never asks for more than I’m willing to give.”

“Amen, to that.” Maxsim twirls his key ring. “Is everything taken care of?”

“Yes, the shipment is on its way to its destination.”

“Excellent. Between your brother and mine, the arms business has doubled.”

“And they’ve only just gotten started.” A spot of blood on my cuff catches my attention, making me frown. “Dammit.” Rubbing my finger against the monogram Lina created, I feel more anger than is reasonable.

“And people think I’m fastidious about my clothes.” He tilts his chin toward my suit coat. “You’re probably going to have to burn it.”

Lifting it, I notice the stains. “People shouldn’t argue with me.”

“No shit, man. It’s your way or the cemetery.”

“Judge. Jury. And executioner. I’m a man show.”

“Which is why you’re my brother’s avtoritet.”

Adjusting my holster, I accept the acknowledgment from my cousin. “Vlad and I will be attending Pavel’s wedding tonight. I’m planning on the usual amount unless you think he deserves more.”

“He’s a loyal soldier, but so far, all he’s shown is competency.”

“Got it.” I look up at the mansion. “Is there anything I need to be aware of?

“Big brother has been on the phone all day and is in a shit mood.” He opens the door to his McClaren and grins. “I’ll be at the office downtown. Have fun.”

Watching Maxsim shoot away from the house like a rocket, I let out a sigh and drop my jacket into the trunk. “Round Two.”

I knock on Alexey’s office door and then step inside. “Did you get my text confirming the delivery?”

“Yes. Grigory told me the wire went through.” He motions toward the bar in the corner. “Pour us some drinks.”

I do as he asks, hand him a glass of whiskey, and then take the chair facing his desk.

“I’ve been taking calls from Russia for most of the day.”

“I’m guessing they weren’t about your recent nuptials?”

“You would be correct.”

He stares out the wall of windows, and I notice his wife and father have just ended their chess game. “I’m surprised they’ve kept up their daily matches.”

“It’s the strangest thing, but they seem to enjoy the hour they spend together. Papa speaks in Russian, and Gianna replies in Italian.”

“They both speak perfect English.”