Page 5 of Touchdown

“Take the bra off, can’t sleep in it,” she mumbles.

“Jesus fucking Christ!” Corvin snaps. “I am going to fucking kill you, Darius, but before I end you, I’m going to beat the fucking shit out of you!” I fight the smile that wants to break out at how uncomfortable he sounds. I reach around her and undo her bra, gently pushing the straps down her arms. I ignore the goose bumps that break out across her skin from my touch. I hate that it takes a lot of fucking willpower to not look at her tits, and gently pull the shirt over her head. I help her into the bed and pull the covers up, neither of us will look the other in the eye and I think that’s for the best because if we do, I will fucking destroy her for what she did to me. Right now, she is too fragile to handle that. “Now get the hell away from her,” he hisses as he shoulders me out of the way to check on his sister. I chance a peek at her, she’s already fast asleep, the bruise on her face is fucking dark, her cheek is swollen. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there.”

The pain and regret in Corvin’s voice spears me. I stalk out of the room unable to be in there any longer. I head straight for my room, needing to be alone so I can sort my thoughts out and to put a plan of revenge into place. The only person who gets to fuck with Leah is me. Gary will get his. I strip off, leaving my clothes on the floor and hop into bed in just my briefs. I can still hear the others next door, that’s the one shit part about this place, the walls are paper thin.

“You’re not sleeping in here with her!” I roll my eyes, Corvin is being a bitch. Leah is eighteen and old enough to make her own choices. I snort to myself, he’s pissed as hell that I was sleeping with her imagine what he would be like if he knew Beck and I both slept with her.

“Get the hell over it, Corvin, and go to fucking bed. Everyone needs to sleep. We’ll deal with this shit tomorrow, starting with you and Darius sorting shit.” Beckett, always the fixer.

“Fuck him! The bastard betrayed me, he was fucking my sister—”

“Jesus Christ!” Saint snaps. “Are you fucking dumb? They were never just fucking, Corvin. Leah is in love with Darius and whether you like it or not, Darius loves her to.” I grind my teeth in frustration, I don’t fucking love her.


I hate that stupid little voice in my head when it calls me out on my own bullshit.

“Wait a second, how do you know he loves her?” Oh shit, Corvin just figured it out.

“We figured it out a while ago,” Crue says hesitantly.

“Man, fuck all of you!” Corvin snaps, then I hear footsteps pounding past my room. A door slams a moment later, Corvin is big fucking mad!

“Well, that went well,” Saint says, chuckling lightly. “We’re going to get some shut eye, dude. Need anything before we go?”

“I’m good, I’ll catch you in the morning.” I’m on edge the second I hear Beckett’s bedroom door close and Saint and Crue head to bed. I last two minutes before I’m leaping out of my bed and throwing my door open. I stop and glare at the smirking fucker leaning against the wall outside my room. “I wondered how long it would take you.”

“Fuck you, you touch her–”

“And you’ll do what, D? You made it clear tonight that she is dead to you and you want nothing to do with her.” He’s right, I do fucking hate her but that doesn’t mean I’m ever going to be okay with seeing her with anyone else. “I’m fucking beat and need a solid eight hours of sleep and I can’t get that with you glaring holes through my wall.” I stare at him confused until the fucker barges past me intomyroom, closes the door and locks it. “Go to bed, Darius,” he calls from the other side of the closed door.

“You locked me out of my room!” I seethe.

“I sleep naked, would you rather me sleep next to Leah with my cock out?” The laughter in his tone pisses me off. He thinks this is a joke but none of this is funny to me. I stalk back to Beck’s room and close the door. I stand here and stare at her sleeping form in the soft glow of the bedside light. How can someone so evil look innocent? Too tired to deal with this shit I decide to just get this night over with. I slip in on the other side of her and make sure there is plenty of space between our bodies.

* * *

“What the fuck!” I bolt upright in bed still groggy from sleep. I look around confused for a second until it all comes rushing back to me—the game, the video, coming to the cabin and Beck locking me out of my room which means, I drop my gaze to my side to see Leah still sleeping then turn back to the doorway where Corvin stands seething. “Get the fuck away from her!” he snaps. I oblige without complaint, wanting to get as far away from her as I can. I throw the covers back ready to climb out of bed but her voice has me stilling.

“Both of you go the hell away!” It’s not the anger in her voice that has me tensing, it’s the fact she thinks she has the right to be pissed atmeafter whatshedid! I feel her shifting from me and peer over my shoulder to watch her climb out of bed. She stands there with her hair wild and untamed, her eyes are red and swollen from all the tears last night. I slowly climb to my feet and stare her down—I hate the sight of Beckett’s shirt on her.

“You’re going back to Mom and Dad’s today.” Leah’s eyes widen for a second before she schools her features and nods.

“Fine. I’m also dropping out of school and moving.” That has both me and Corvin stumped for a second but he manages to gather himself quicker than me.

“Fuck no! I just paid your tuition so your ass is staying in school!” I scrub a hand down my face as I shake my head. He just let the cat out of the bag and Leah is smart enough to have caught his little slip up. She places her hands on her hips and cocks her head to the side.

“Youpaid for my tuition?” Corv darts his gaze briefly to me before focusing back on the she devil.

“Yes! Now, shower and meet me downstairs.” He chucks the bag I didn’t notice he was carrying at her. She catches it, then shoots him a glare before rummaging through her bag to grab some clothes. The moment she grabs out a black bra and matching lace thong, I know I’m dead when a gasp sounds from the doorway. That was the thong he had twirling around his finger not long ago in my room asking if he knew the girl it belonged to.

“You son a bitch!” he roars before he flies across the room, a fist landing to the right underside of my jaw, a left hook connecting with my ribs before another right hook has me falling back onto the bed. Leah screams for help and for her brother to stop but I can see the look in his brown eyes. If I fight back, it will destroy any hope I have of ever repairing the damage I have done to our friendship. “Fight back, you fucking pussy!” He leaps on top of me and swings a good fucking right hook that has my head snapping to the side. I see the guys in the doorway, Beck fighting to hold Saint and Crue back from interfering and stopping Corvin. “You fucking bastard,” Corvin screams as he lands a hit to my ribs. I groan in pain. “You took advantage of my sister.” He rears his arm back, ready to hit me again.

“I was the one who came onto him!” His arm freezes midair as he looks at Leah. “We were at Tyresse’s party and you said I wasn’t allowed to drink, but I did anyway. Darius found me and took me home. I kissed him that night and told him…” I close my eyes and brace myself for the torment that her words are about to put me through. “I told him I loved him.”

Corvin snorts. “It doesn’t matter what you did, Leah, he took advantage—”

“Fucking hell, Corvin, while you were away with Mom and Dad at football camp, I walked into his room, stark naked.” Corvin cringes in disgust. “He told me to get out. I refused and do you really want to know the rest?” Corvin rests back on my thighs as he looks between the two of us.