Page 25 of Touchdown

“I don’t like him like that,” I say honestly.

“I know which is why I am going to tell you to be careful.” I pull back and frown up at him.

“What do you mean?”

“Garrett and I have known each other for a long time. Over the years we have drifted apart, since I got into cheer and him into football. Rumors circulate fast around here and some of the things I have heard aren’t good.”

“Things like?” I press. I feel Cody and Katie creep in closer to us listening.

“He gets rough with girls.”

I gasp. “But you’re his friend.” Nathan shakes his head.

“The night I met you at the club I came with Alex, not Garrett, and the only reason I came tonight is because of you three. Garrett showed up outside your dorm on his own accord.” That throws me, Garrett said earlier that he and Nathan didn’t want us walking alone making it seem like they had discussed that plan earlier.

“My nipples are hard and I need a drink,” Cody says, causing us all to laugh and agree. We make our way back to shore. I snag my sarong on our way back toward the partygoers. As far as Thanksgivings go, this would have to be one of the best I have had in years. Beck spots us and nods before disappearing to get us drinks, I assume. I’m proven right when he appears carrying four red cups. We all thank him as we each grab a cup and cheers before taking a sip.

“Want me to help you with your wrap?” I close my eyes and pray for patience. I slowly open them and turn to face Garrett who has pushed Nathan out of his spot beside me.


“She’s good, I got her,” Beck says in a tone that has me standing straighter. Garrett cuts Beck a dark look before turning back to me with a warm smile on his face, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. Before he can say another thing, Cody screams and shoves her cup at Garrett, forcing him to hold it or risk the contents spilling on him.

“This is our jam,” she shouts as she drags me and Nathan with Katie following us to the center of the crowd where students are dancing. When I hear the words of the song, I burst out laughing. Little Mix’s “Shout Out to My Ex” blares from the speakers that are set up. The four of us form a circle of sorts as we dance. I let loose and allow myself to enjoy this moment with my friends. When the next song plays, I feel giddy. Fifth Harmony’s “All in My Head (Flex)” has me feeling the beat and moving my hips. Nathan whistles as he steps up behind me, grips my waist and rocks his hips in time with mine. He’s plastered against my back and I feel nothing, I’m not worried he will expect something or want more, we’re just two friends dancing. I mean, for goodness sake, I’m rubbing my ass against his dick and the guy is as soft as butter.

I look at my girls and I’m surprised to see a guy dancing with Katie, before I can even get a look at the guy he’s shoved out of the way and replaced by Crue. Katie opens her mouth ready to have a go at him no doubt, but then he stuns the fuck out of me when he grips the back of her neck and holds her in place as he smashes his lips to hers. Cody squeals and claps for our girl while I stand here stunned. Katie wraps her arms around Crue’s neck, I’m about to turn away and give them a moment but Saint plasters himself against her back, and grips her waist. I expect Crue to pull back but he doesn’t. Feeling like I’m intruding on a private moment, I turn back to Cody but falter when I see my brother standing next to her with his gaze on me. We stand here still as statues just staring at each other. My feet move of their own accord and take me toward him. He meets me halfway and wraps me in a bone-crushing hug. I fight back the tears that want to fall as I bury my face in his chest clutching his shirt in my fists.

He drops a kiss to the top of my head resting his chin there. “I missed you, Lee.” I inhale a shuddering breath.

“I missed you too,” I choke out. I close my eyes and will my tears to not fall. I promised myself I wouldn’t cry. I’ve cried too much these past couple months and I’m not a crier.

“I’m so sorry, Leah.” I pull back but keep my grip on his shirt as he holds my arms, I can see the sincerity in his eyes. “I should have been there for you and I wasn’t. I was too caught up on the whole you and Darius thing. I was a fucking poor ass excuse for a brother, can you ever forgive me?” The tenderness in which he speaks, I know he means what he says. I pull him to me and hug him tight.

“I love you, Corv, and of course I forgive you.” I feel the tension in his body evaporate at my words.

“I love you too.” We stand here for a minute just holding each other. “I know we just made up and shit but I have to ask…” I release him and take a step back, cringing when I see his white shirt is soaked thanks to me.

I quirk a brow at him, prompting him. “Just ask whatever it is,” I say.

His eyes widen mockingly as he forces a shudder through his body. “What the fuck are you wearing and why in God’s good name is your ass out?” I can’t help it, I throw my head back and laugh so hard that tears leak from the corner of my eyes. I can hear Cody laughing along with me, our laughter reaches new heights when Nathan says.

“Because her ass is a peach and even gay men want to take a bite.” Corvin’s face pales.

“Nah, fuck that,” he grumbles, grips Cody’s hand and begins to lead her away. I stare at their blacks wondering what the hell is going on between them, clearly in the five weeks I have been away my friends have beenbusy.

“Well, I guess you’re stuck with me,” Nathan says, garnering my attention and snapping me out of my shock. I turn around and smile ready to dance some more but the moment the song switches, the smile drops from my face and my whole body begins to heat. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up alerting me to the fact he is near. The second Nathan’s eyes crinkle at the corners and a sly smirk graces his face, I know he’s behind me. I close my eyes and will myself to be strong—I can do this.

His hands grips my exposed waist. The feeling of his hands on me, sets my body ablaze. He presses in until his chest is flush against my back, bends down and a shiver trails down my spine when I feel his lips brush against the shell of my ear. “Move for me, Goldie.” Those four words have me obeying his command, Ella Mai’svoice sounds out around us. This song is becoming ours. I sway my hips side to side, he keeps pace with me. The second I press my ass harder against him, his grip tightens and he groans in my ear. He keeps one hand on my waist and slips the other around my front to hold me closer. “You wear this for me?” he whispers huskily in my ear.

“No. I wore it for me.” I’m so fucking proud of myself, my voice is strong and doesn’t waiver. I expect him to shove me away and storm off like he normally does, the fact he is here dancing with me out in the open where Corvin can spot us, tells me he either doesn’t care if we’re caught or he’s stupid.

“I want you,” he says, his words have need coiling inside me. If my suit wasn’t wet from my swim earlier, it would be damp with my arousal now. I want him so bad but I also can’t deal with his hot and cold behavior. I turn in his hold. His eyes shine with need, need for me. He reaches around me and grips my ass covering it with his hands, I gasp. “No one gets to see this but me.” My jaw slackens, his words and his nearness have my rationale short circuiting. He doesn’t give me a chance to pull myself together or formulate a rational thought, his mouth is on mine in the next second. The feeling of his soft lips meshed against mine has an involuntary moan slipping from me. He uses that to his advantage and slips his tongue inside my mouth. The taste of him has me, reevaluating my plan. The second he tries to deepen the kiss a throat clearing from beside us has me pulling back and out of his hold. He shoots me a pissed off look, fuck it’s so easy to give into him.

“I think you dropped this.” Garrett holds out my sarong. I grab it from him and smile my thanks before quickly securing it around my waist. The tension between Darius and Garrett is so thick it’s suffocating.

“There you are.” I dart my gaze to the side of Darius to see Chelsea making her way toward him. She shoots me a scathing look as she stands beside him. Garrett moves to my side, I refuse to allow my judgment to slip and ruin my night. I suck in my pride, smile at Darius and shrug my shoulders. He’s grinding his teeth so hard I think he may actually break them.

“See you around,” I say as I turn to leave, but he snakes his arm out, grips my wrist and yanks me to him. Garrett steps forward ready to protest but Darius beats him to speak first.