Page 23 of Touchdown

“Yeah, okay,” he says dejectedly. Leah gives him a quick hug before heading toward me. I turn and race back to the carpark to avoid being seen. I’ll give her tonight, but come tomorrow I plan to take back what is mine!

* * *

Ibarge through the front door of my house heading straight for the kitchen ,knowing that’s where he will be. Sure enough, there he stands laughing at something Corvin said. They all turn toward me the moment I enter. I march toward him and hit him. He stumbles back into the counter. Corvin jumps in the middle of us and shoves me back a step. I glare at Beckett over his shoulder. Saint and Crue rush over to check on Beckett who is cupping his mouth.

“What the fuck?” Corvin yells in my face. I keep my glare on Beckett as I answer him.

“That fucker sent her to Alaska!” I shout. Corvin spins around to face Beck, who drops his hand and shoots us a bloody smirk. His lip is split and that gives me great satisfaction.

“You sent my sister toourresort?” Corvin demands.

“Sure did and it was genius. Neither of you thought to look for her there, did you?” I try to rush him again but Corvin blocks me.

“You are going to pay for that!” I growl. Beckett pushes forward but Saint and Crue hold him back.

“Fuck you. She needed that time away. She healed there, Darius. She is happy again and darkness doesn’t shine in her eyes anymore.”

“She will never be yours, Beckett. She’s mine!” Corvin growls but remains silent. “You think because I let you fuck her that you have any type of claim over her?” The moment his eyes widen and Saint and Crue snap their horrified stares to me, I realize I just fucked up, badly.

“You did what now?” Corvin asks in a deadly calm tone that has me backing up a step.

“Oh shit,” I hear Crue mutter.

“I-we… It’s not what it sounds like–” Corvin cuts off my rambling as he turns so he can keep Beck and I both in his sights.

He points to both of us as he says, “Youbothhad a fucking threesome withmysister?” I flinch, Beckett drops his chin to his chest. “Answer me!” Corv yells.

“Yes,” I answer, while Beck nods his head.

“Jesus Christ!” Corvin snaps as he scrubs a hand down his face. We all stand here silently as Corv processes what he just learned. He looks to Saint and Crue and pins them with a harsh look that has them both raising their hands in surrender and taking a step away from Beck.

“Nope. Never touched her,” Crue rushes to say.

“I talk shit about doing her but swear to God, never laid a hand on her,” Saint rushes to add.

“Oh, that’s great so only two out of four of my best friends have fucked my sister.” I fight the cringe that wants to break free.

“It isn’t how it sounds, Corvin. I would never hurt Leah,” Beck says as he stares at Corvin.

“How am I supposed to believe that?” Beck flicks his gaze to me briefly before answering Corvin.

“Who has she been talking to everyday? I’m the one she has been coming to for help, not any of you.”

“You both are so fucked,” Corvin breaths out as he storms out of the room, making sure to shoulder check me on his way out.

“Fuck!” I rasp out. I just fucked up again. Beck presses up to me, I hold his stare waiting for him to bust a move.

“Stop trying to find someone to blame for how shit turned out. You want to be pissed, be pissed at yourself because this is on you.” His words hit me hard.

“Did you mean it?” I ask cautiously.

“Mean what?” he asks, slightly confused.

“That she’s happy?” He sighs and places a hand on my shoulder.

“If you’re asking me if she is over you, then just ask.” I suck up my pride and hold his stare.

“Has she moved on?” I can hear the sadness in my own voice, my heart is beating so fast as I wait for his reply.