Page 44 of Touchdown

She pulls back, smiling at me with love in her eyes. “I would love to stay here with you all day but I need to be there for Val and introduce her to everyone.” I sigh in annoyance.

“Did you have to bring her?” I grumble.

She swats me on the chest. “Babe, she would have been alone for Christmas. I couldn’t do that to her and Dawson.” As much I hate to admit it, I love that she cares about everyone and always goes above and beyond for those she loves. Just sometimes I wished she was selfish like me, so she wouldn’t feel guilty about spending the day in bed, fucking me.

“Doesn’t she have family?” Leah’s brows draw in as she shakes her head.

“I don’t think so. She hasn’t said anything but she did say she’s been on her own since she was pregnant with Dawson.” Sadness is thick in her tone.

“Where’s the kid’s dad?”

“He took off before Val could tell him she was pregnant.” What a fucking drop kick. Who the fuck does that? Man, I could never turn my back on Leah if she was pregnant. I don’t want kids anytime soon because I can’t stand the thought of sharing her with anyone, even our own kid.

“Fine. You have an hour to eat and hang out with your friend, then we’re hitting the hot tub so I can fuck your ass while your pussy is being destroyed by the jets.” The sadness in her eyes for her friend is gone, replaced by raw hunger forme.Fuck, I’ll never tire of seeing that look in her eyes.

“I love you.” I smile triumphantly knowing I’ll be the only man in this world to ever hear those words come from her sinful lips.

“I love you too, Goldie. Now, get the fuck outta the bed or I’ll be balls deep inside you in a second flat and your friend can face the crew by herself.”



You best believe I leapt out of that bed like it was on fire, Darius would have kept his word and pinned me down until I was screaming his name. I managed to snag the shower before Val. Of course, I only managed to have mere minutes alone before Darius stormed in, demanding that I help him deal with a situation. The situation of course was me helping get rid of his boner, which did lead to me plastered against the shower, biting down on his shoulder so my screams didn’t wake the whole house. When we finally exited the shower after using all the hot water, I quickly brushed my teeth and combed my hair before changing.

I’m sitting on the end of our bed pulling on my Ugg boots when a knock sounds at the door. Darius pulls his hoodie on before going to open it. The bedroom door opens to reveal a sleepy Val with a smiling Dawson in her arms. I pull my boot on and stand, making way over to them to pluck Dawson from her hold and kissing his gorgeous face until he is laughing and begging me to stop.

“Could I ask a favor?” I see Darius stiffen next to me but I ignore as I look at my friend.

“Of course, Val. What do you need?” She seems nervous.

“Could you please watch him while I take a quick shower. I swear I won’t be long. I’m just worried about the stairs if he came out of the room while I was in there and—” I cut her off, feeling so sad for her that she feels like asking to watch her son for five minutes is a huge burden.

“Val!” She clamps her mouth closed and pales slightly. I try to smile reassuringly to help ease some of her nerves. “Go shower, wash your hair, do whatever you want and take your time. Darius and I will take Dawson down and get him breakfast. Crue and Saint will love having the little guy to play with.” Her eyes widen.

“Are you sure?” I shift Dawson to one side and use my free hand to rest against Val’s shoulder in a comforting gesture.

“Yes! Go shower, take your time. When you’re done, breakfast will be ready and waiting for you downstairs.” Her eyes grow misty.

“Thank you, Leah.” Her tone is watery and that fucking hurts me.

“Val, we’re all here for you. Once you get to know the guys, you will understand that we are family and we take care of our own. You and Dawson are ours now. Whatever you need, we got you.” She swallows loudly as her eyes fill with tears. Before they can fall, she nods and scurries back to her room. I turn to Darius to find him staring at the spot Val just vacated with a look of pain etched into his beautiful face. “Are you okay?” He shakes his head and nods.

“Yeah. Come on, let’s go eat.” I hate that I know he is lying, it’s hard for him to see a mom care for her child. I hope one day my man can find it within himself to find his mom and speak with her because I hate that there is this hurt inside him that I can’t take away.

* * *

Ismile as I look around the table at everyone. Dawson sits on my lap eating the pancakes Beck made him. Beck and Darius sit on either side of us. Nathan, Corv, Crue, Cody, Katie and Saint all shout and laugh as they fight over who can beat who at Mario Kart. I shake my head and hide my smile as I place a kiss to the top of Dawson’s head.

“I go Becky?” Silent laughter shakes my shoulder as I hear Beck grunt beside me. When we came down this morning to see everyone and get some food, I introduced Dawson to the others and I may have forgotten to introduce Beck asBeckand not Becky. Dawson instantly took a shine to Beck and demanded to stay with him and help make pancakes. I was stunned when Beck plucked him from my arms and set him up on the counter to help. Dawson reaches out for Beck, the big man’s eyes soften as he grabs Dawson from me and sits him on his lap, wrapping his arms around him protectively. Darius drapes his arm around my shoulder as I stare at the duo beside me. He leans in and whispers, low enough for only me to hear.

“Stop looking at my best friend like that.” There’s heat in his tone that has me turning to face him, we’re so close that our noses brush against each other.

“Huh?” His eyes narrow but he can’t hide the lust that sparks to life in those beautiful eyes.

“Keep looking at him like that and I may have to make a mini me just so you’ll look at me like that.” My eyes snap wide, he laughs before pecking me on the lips and leaning back in his chair while I stare at him.

“Get the hell away from my son!” I snap my gaze to the dinning entry way to see Val standing there with an angry look on her face. The room is doused in silence from her outburst.