Page 1 of Forever Fabled



One year ago…

Ghazni, Afghanistan

Lostin the memories that assaulted his mind, Reaper stood there stoically, thinking of how to correct an issue he never expected to face. This was not something he could bring to Reilly’s attention because the man did not have a sensitive streak in his body when it came to requests from him.


He was going to need to be… creative to fix this ‘concern’.

Sighing heavily, he searched his mind, lost in a time that seemed so much simpler despite the tragedy he’d witnessed in Ghazni. He missed some of those moments, before the painful memories, and treasured that innocence he once had when he first arrived here.

He found friends… and a family, brought together by a loss that left a mark on his soul forever.

“Fine boys, right here,” Colonel Bradford began, shaking each of their hands as Lieutenant Colonel Reilly stood there stonily, refusing to look at any of their weary faces. “They saved lives today.”

“Yes, they did,” the Army base captain spoke, extending his hand towards Valkyrie, their new squadron leader.

Every second of this moment was searing itself into his mind as he watched it all unfold, committing it to memory. His buddies had always told him he had a weirdly analytical mind – and maybe they were right.

Army and Air Force didn’t mix and rarely crossed ‘lines’… yet, here their captain was, on their turf.

Thumper, his original flight leader, was gone.

In his place was a man Reaper truly respected and admired – his best friend. He was proud of Valkyrie stepping up and handling such a tough job, knowing he would have done the same if only given the chance by Reilly.

“Captain Logan – and grateful for your assistance today, son.”

“Execute the mission, return home, do an honorable job,” Valkyrie said candidly and Reaper almost smirked, standing there at attention as his buddy repeated Thumper’s exact words verbatim. He’d heard the other squadron leader say that very thing several times in the past. “We never let our brothers down - and we are there for the team.”

“Well, it’s much appreciated,” Captain Logan nodded. “If you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. We are out here to work together and protect each other.”

… Reaper shook his head at the memory from what felt like ages ago – staring at the men before him, watching one of them flounder silently, making his chest ache in awareness.

One of his team was sinking before his eyes.


The gangly man, that had once been all smiles when he arrived some time ago, was falling into the same pit the rest of them dragged themselves from.



Wondering if this was worth all the sacrifices they had made…

The bright smiles were gone, the chipper laughter and outrageous antics, the playful comments bantered back and forth between Sparky and Firefly…

All of it was fading away – including the kid’s tan.

Reaper didn’t think it was even possible out here, but staying inside, away from the heat and hiding from the world, would do it to anyone. The wiry man avoided the gym now, ate alone, and slept each chance that any of them had downtime... and was drowning.

That yawning hole of depression was something people didn’t understand, how all-consuming it was… and Sophie had been a godsend to him. He’d mentally shut off every emotion to keep from losing himself, refusing to feel anything at all until she broke through his field of vision, blasting into his world like the hottest nuke, and laying siege to his heart.

God, he loved that woman…Reaper thought, smiling to himself. Making that reckless leap, marrying her after knowing her for two hours, seemed insane at the time – but he would do it all again in a heartbeat.