Page 4 of Shared By Two Orcs

I’m not so foolish.

Steady work product is better at producing a steady state amount, and that’s all I need. To be consistent.

And if I do want to intimidate any of the bastards, I don’t have to yell. My presence alone sets them on edge. I watch it happen now, as the miners notice me out of the corners of their eye.

They must realize that I am no Milug, though I’m not sure they give any of us even a second glance. It’s likely they don’t know what he looks like. And even still, they know that I am not him.

Without a word, my heavy footsteps and heavy stare has them straightening, their muscles straining as they swing harder. Everyone pushes themself to their best in my presence, afraid of what will happen if they don’t.

I spot someone up ahead that has slowed already, despite that their shift has barely begun. I come up behind him, leaning down until he is dwarfed by my frame. “Problem?”

He whips around, not having heard me come up behind him. His eyes widen as he takes me in and he shakes his head back and forth. “N-no. No problem.”

My eyes drop to his pickaxe on the ground and he lunges for it, starting up a steady pace as if to prove to me that I don’t need to stand here any longer. But I linger, just to be sure.

It takes me nearly an hour to walk the entire perimeter, my ears perked for any noises on either side of the tunnel as I stalk around the curving path. To my surprise, though, laughter often bubbles up, and when I finally make my way around to see who it is, I just stop and stare.

Two women, one unbelievably gorgeous, are chatting and giggling, their movements never faltering. In fact, they may be working even faster.

I decide not to interrupt them, my mind continuously going back to them – toher– as I make my rounds. I try to slow my steps but they pick up as I approach their corner of the tunnel every time, eager to see her and not at all willing to leave.

I’m not sure how long we’ve been down here, but I know that their shift must be coming to an end soon as I loop around to where the two women work. To my surprise, it sounds like they’ve fallen silent, and that strikes up a spark of concern in my chest.

Charging around the bend, though, I am quickly stopped in my tracks with the sight before me. The beautiful woman with thick black hair pulled back into a bun and perfectly tanned skin is bent over, her ass poised in the air.

I should turn away. I know I should, and yet, I stay rooted to the spot, watching as she reaches for the handle of her pickaxe. But then her ass lifts a little higher, her back curving, and my cock jerks as she slowly stands.

She swings her arms back, her chest pushed out so that her breasts are highlighted now, and my mouth waters as I take in her curves. I’m almost sad as she swings the pickaxe forward, though her body looks damn good doing it.

Visions of her naked body flit through my mind, and I know I need to get away from her. It’s been a long time since I was that kind of man. She’s young – and a walking temptation – and will want no part in me.

But foolishly, I’m still standing there, my eyes locked on her frame as her head turns to look at me over her shoulder. Sweat beads along her forehead and she somehow looks even better with it.

As her deep brown gaze meets mine, something slams violently through my body, a need so desperate I’ve never experienced it before.

I am fucked.



Murmurs erupt through the tunnel, along with the scrape of pickaxes and the heavy stomp of shoes. We all know what that sound means. It must be sundown.

“Time to go,” Jinnow chirps as she turns to me, and briefly, my eyes flicker to her. But they go right back to the orc – to see that he’s already turned around.

I don’t expect that to hurt like a gut punch, but as I stare at his retreating back, it does. Did he not feel what I just did? Am I stupid and just so worked up that a look from a hot guy makes me feel like that?

Apparently I am because he doesn’t pause or look back as he walks away, and soon he is lost in the sea of the shift change like he couldn’t want to get out of here. What the fuck?


My head snaps to the side to where Jinnow is now standing, staring at me. Everyone from our shift has cleared out, the evening miners coming to take our place. They keep us going nearly around the clock that way, and while I don’t normally mind the long shifts and being underground, I’m itching for fresh air right now.

“Sorry. I think I’m just tired.”

I start toward the mouth of the tunnel, spotting the large frame of an orc up ahead, but as we pass him, I realize it’s the evening shift overseer. Not whoever I just saw.

I swear I’ve never seen him before, but I guess I’ve always kept to myself, more because of Ciiro than anything. But as I think back to his eyes on me, my body heating beneath his gaze, a flash strikes through my body.