“Joanie, thank goodness you’re safe.” Elise took a step forward, her gaze on Joan. “When you weren’t here, I was afraid that creature had kidnapped you.”

“I’m fine; it left me there because they needed someone to tell them what to do.” Joan smiled. “Where’s Kara?”

“She got separated from us when Silver and Robert engaged the elf, and I couldn’t put Dmitri down to look.” A look of pain flashed across Elise’s face.

I walked to her side. Dmitri squirmed from her relaxed grip and hugged my knees, jostling the rest of me. I gasped at the stab from half-healed ribs and found Chance’s hand in my armpit when I regained my sight.

“Alys.” The temperature of Robert’s voice should have frozen the water in the air. “Did the entire house explode?”

“No, just the one section. The rest was burning when we left, but fire services were there, so it’ll have foam all over it too.” I had to work to manufacture the sunny tone, but the narrowing of his eyes was worth it. Annoying Robert by being inappropriately perky was always fun, and with Dmitri in my arms, I felt like myself again. Though maybe I could tone it down a bit- it was a little mean to needle him about his house burning.

“Mama?” asked Dmitri in a tiny voice. He retained a grip on my skirt.

“I’m fine, little man, just a bit sore.” I combed my fingers through his silky hair, leaving a streak of tacky blood. I hadn’t noticed the cut until then.

“Any other damages we should know about?” Robert’s fingers drummed on his thigh.

“Bullet and laser holes. Also, your collection on the lower level was trashed.” I tried to present a regretful appearance.

He drew in a deep breath, cheeks reddened, eyes flashing.

“Let’s move somewhere private.” Silver cut across the pause, tone incisive.

Robert’s expression snapped to calm attention, though I could still feel his anger and worry in the air. I wished I could do that.

Silver indicated one of the conference rooms that studded the wall. We trailed behind him like a family of ducks as he cut to the nearest.

He opened the door.

“I require this room,” said Silver, voice flat.

The room cleared.

Breathing was still hard, and I moved slowly, lowering myself into one of the thickly cushioned leather seats. The cleaning staff were going to earn their wages today. Blood, smoke and ozone made for an unpleasant perfume.

“Confirm what that creature was,” Robert said. His calm expression had gained a pleasant smile when we entered the room. He’d tamped his emotions down—just a wisp of rage drifted to my senses.

Elise’s brow furrowed as she glanced in his direction.

A long pause followed as I swallowed a variety of answers I wouldn’t give in front of Dmitri. “He was exactly what you think he was,” I answered, in a perfect imitation of Robert’s most pompous voice. “And since I saved your life, I think courtesy is in order.”

Joan shifted to check something in her bag on the floor. Chance rested his head in his hands.

Elise’s gentle voice intruded as Robert and I stared at each other. “Alys, thank you. This adds a dimension beyond an unusually gifted child. Elves are more often encountered in the Kalderon, correct? Do you have any advice on what to do if,” she inclined her head in Dmitri’s direction, “he’s frightened again?”

I glanced to Dmitri. He’d moved around the table to where Joan sat, attracted by the game up on her comm. He was listening to us, though; I could tell by the sudden stiffness of his shoulders, the tilt of his head.

“Later,” I answered Elise. “Do you have a safe place to stay?”

“They will,” Silver said.

“We need to attend the Unification Ball on Saturday, though,” Robert added.

Too soon.

Tears pricked my eyes, fueled partially by weariness. There was so little time, and the Ball would be the perfect cover for another attempt on Dmitri. The Dumonts were required to attend since Robert was a seated Representative and would be defending his seat against his brother this election season.

Dmitri would have to be with Kara and whatever security could be mustered. I was assigned to external security last year for the event, though perhaps Silver would refrain this year based on current circumstances.