Page 33 of Ruined Secrets

It’s the first thing that flashes through my mind as I enter the room and see my grandfather’s fragile form on the bed. I can’t reconcile this image of him with how I remember him from my childhood—a burly, tall man, with a deep voice and commanding presence. He always seemed so strong, until his heart started failing him.

“Isi, come here, stella mia,” he says.

I sit in the chair next to the bed and take his hand in mine. It feels so light and breakable. I want to say something, but I can’t seem to find the words.

“Have I ever told you how much you remind me of your grandmother?” He smiles weakly. “The same big eyes. The same unbreakable spirit that seems so grand for such a tiny person.”

He sounds like he is saying goodbye, and I find it hard to rein in the tears. So, I let them fall.

“Don’t cry, Isi. I had a good life, and it’s time to move on. You have to be strong now, stella mia, because when I’m gone, all hell will break loose. Luca will need you. Especially with the mess Bruno Scardoni has created.”

I shake my head and sigh. “I don’t think Luca needs anyone, Nonno. He manages quite well on his own.”

“Men can be stubborn sometimes. And your husband is the most stubborn one I’ve ever come across.” He raises his hand and brushes my cheek. “I have a confession to make, Isi. I hope you won’t get mad that I didn’t tell you sooner.”

“I can never get mad at you, Nonno. You know that.”

He regards me with his dark, slightly misty eyes, then smiles. “I knew, Isi,” he says. “I knew for years.”

“Knew what?”

“That you were in love with Luca. Still are, from what I can see.”

I open my mouth to say something, but he places his finger over my lips. “I paid that bodyguard. The one Luca caught in bed with Simona. It’s not like she wasn’t cheating on him before, but she was careful not to be caught.”


“Luca is a good man. And I wanted him for you.” He smiles. “So, I made sure you got him, stella mia.”

I burst out crying.

“Barbini is going to confront him, Isi. Lorenzo didn’t say anything in front of me, but I saw it in his face. Tell Luca to be careful.”

“I will,” I say through the tears. “But you will be okay, Nonno. Dad said they’re taking you to surgery and the doctors will fix your heart. You’re not going anywhere, yet.”

“I love you, stella mia.”

The door behind me opens and two nurses come in. I squeeze my grandfather’s hand and kiss his cheek.

“I love you, too,” I say and brush away my tears. “We’ll be waiting outside when you come out of surgery. Okay?”


I leave the room and sit next to Andrea, who’s whimpering on my mother’s shoulder. My father is standing a few paces from us, quietly talking with the doctor. As I turn my head to the right, I see Luca standing at the far end of the long hallway, leaning on the wall with his shoulder. I should go and talk to him, but I don’t think I can manage that distance on my shaking legs. Taking the phone from my bag, I press his number and watch as he takes the call.

“The surgery will last several hours. You don’t have to stay,” I say. “I know you have work to do.”

“I’m staying, Isabella.”

He puts away the phone and holds his position, looking back at me. Sighing, I lean my head against the wall and close my eyes.

I hear hurried steps from the direction of the elevator and lift my head to see Lorenzo and Orlando Lombardi approaching. They couldn’t have waited until the don was out of the hospital? Bastards. I push away from the wall and head in their direction.

“What do you want?” I stop before them, barring their way.

“We came to see the don,” Lorenzo says.

“Giuseppe is in surgery. When we have news, I’ll call you.”