Page 43 of Keeping My Captive

“I see. Mysterious. And I like a little mystery,” he says with a small shrug.

Damion goes over to the mini bar and starts reading over the various labels on the bottles and decanters. “Cristóbal keeps the good shit in here. Would you like some?” he asks while popping the cork off of what looks like an expensive liquor.

“Ah, no thanks,” I tell him with an adamant shake of my head. He seems disappointed by my answer, but then he turns his back on me and begins pouring a drink.

While Damion is distracted, I find a large desk in the opposite corner of the room and start searching for a phone. There’s a laptop resting on top next to a cup full of pens, along with some papers, a paperweight and some little sticky notes. The laptop is locked with a code, so I give up right away. Finding nothing else on the desk that can help me, I carefully pull open the top drawer, searching its contents.

“Are you trying to find all of Cristóbal’s secrets?” Damion asks.

His voice makes me jump almost out of my skin, and I whirl around to face him. I had no idea he was right behind me. “N-no,” I stammer.

He grins. “Here you go. It will help calm your nerves,” he tells me before shoving a small glass full of dark liquor into my hands. When I go to refuse, he holds up a finger and tuts at me. “Now, now, this is the most expensive scotch in the world. The least you can do is try a sip or two,” he says, watching me closely.

I stare down at the glass, wrinkling my nose at it. I don’t want to drink it, but I have a feeling this guy isn’t used to women telling him no, and I’m scared of what will happen if I’m the first. A sip won’t hurt, I tell myself as I bring the glass to my lips. I take a very small sip, the liquid warm and burning my mouth and throat as I swallow it down quickly. It’s strong with an extremely bitter aftertaste. If that’s what the most expensive scotch in the world tastes like, I can’t imagine what the cheap stuff tastes like. Putting the glass down on the desk beside me, I return my eyes to him, letting him know that I’ve tried it and I’m done.

“What did you think?” he asks with curiosity in his eyes.

“I think it sucks.”

That earns me a bark of laughter. “My, my, beautifulandfunny. Quite the combination. You know, Mateo is a very lucky man.”

My eyes narrow on him. He knows who I came here with, and he still lured me into the library, knowing what will happen if Mateo finds out. Red flags are flying all over the place, and I realize I need to get the hell out of here. “I wonder if dinner is going to be served soon? I better get back,” I tell him as I take a few steps towards the door.

“But we’re just getting started,” the man says before grabbing my arm in a vice grip.

“Let me go,” I seethe at him, trying to shake off his grasp.

“There’s that fight! There’s that anger I saw on stage at The Island,” he says with a maniacal laugh.

I jerk and suck in a harsh breath as my eyes search his, my brain going into overdrive.

He brings me in closer and whispers, “I told you I’d be seeing you soon, little lamb. And I never break a promise.”

That voice.I don’t know how I didn’t recognize him earlier when he called me by that strange nickname. He had kept his tone just above a whisper on The Island, and so it never clicked until right now.

“I wanted you that night. And I never let go of something that I want,” he tells me through gritted teeth. “I eventually let Mateo outbid me, because I knew I’d get my chance to get you for free.” His hold tightens on my arm, no doubt leaving finger-shaped bruises behind. “Let me ask you this, little lamb,” he whispers before forcing me against his body and putting his mouth to my ear. “Are you still a virgin, or did Mateo pop your little cherry?”

Disgusted, I muster all the strength I possibly can to finally pull away from him. I stumble backwards, falling into a nearby shelf. Books go tumbling to the ground around me as I try to regain my balance. The room spins violently around me, and I clutch my stomach as I lay there, sick and vulnerable.

A dark chuckle escapes his lips, but it sounds like it’s on repeat as I try to get up. “It’s okay, little lamb. You only had a sip, unfortunately, so you should get over the side effects rather quickly.”

“You…you drugged me,” I say, my vision clouding over as my mouth tries to cooperate with my brain.

“Usually, I take my time breaking my new acquisitions down over an extended period of time, but, you see, my time with you here, unfortunately, is very limited. I needed to make sure that you were broken quickly before I take everything from you, little lamb. And believe me when I say, I wanteverythingyou have to give.”

I search the large room for something I can use as a weapon, but my limbs are getting heavier by the second. I doubt if I’ll be able to move fast enough in time to get away from him or fight him off if it comes down to that. I’m quickly running out of options.

Mateo’s face flashes in my mind, and so I do the only thing I can do at this point. I scream out my captor’s name because I know deep down he’s my protector and he wouldn’t let anything bad like this happen to me. “Mateo!” I scream at the top of my lungs.

My scream echoes through the room, and I watch in horror as Damion’s face immediately morphs from calm to enraged.

“Stupid little lamb,” he says before eating up the distance between us in a few strides. He bends down and grabs my face, squeezing my jaw until I cry out in pain. “If you were mine, I would have cut out your tongue on the first night,” he snarls, suddenly transforming from a man into some kind of savage animal.

He releases my jaw and pushes me to the ground. I watch in horror as he unzips his pants and takes out his semi-hard cock. He strokes it a few times while looking down at me. “I’m going to show you how a real man fucks,” he tells me before he tackles me to the floor.

I struggle against him as he manhandles me, my dress ripping in the process. His knee forces its way between my legs, and I cry out in anguish, desperately trying to keep my thighs clenched together. If he wants to take something from me, he’s going to have to fight me for it.

“I knew you would be fun. That’s why I wanted to win you at the auction,” he seethes, wrestling my hands down to my sides.