Page 11 of Keeping My Captive

I growl at his words. She’s fighting for her freedom, for her life out there. And if these men can’t recognize the courage it’s taking her to defy it all, then they’re just idiots.

“Three-point-five million dollars going once…going twice…”

Before I even know what I’m doing, I yell to Thiago, “Bid!”

Thiago presses a button on the keyboard before I can even second-guess my decision.

“The current bid is now four million dollars.”

“F-f-four million dollars for a sex slave?” he asks, stuttering in disbelief.

“Counter bid is four-point-five million dollars.”

I can see number ten lit up on the monitor. Damion is bidding against me, determined to win her. Determined to rape and maim this poor, young woman and have her become another one of his lifeless, mutilated trophies that he brags about to his friends. And in that moment, I decide that I’ll die before I let that happen to her.

“Bid again,” I tell Thiago, my jaw set in determination.

“Four-point-five million dollars is the current top bid.”

“Again,” I instruct Thiago, but he hesitates.

The robot begins saying,“Four-point-five million going once…going twice…”

I pull the Glock out of my jacket and press it against Thiago’s temple. “Bid. Now!” I roar.

With a trembling finger, he presses the button on the keyboard, securing my bid. “How the fuck did you get a gun in here?” he asks, his voice shaking.

“Don’t worry about it. Just keep bidding,” I instruct him through gritted teeth while the robot announces the counterbid from number ten.

We play this game of bidding and counterbidding until it goes up to seven million dollars. That’s when Thiago informs me, “There’s no way he’ll counter that, Mateo. He’s never gone over seven mil for a virgin before.”

“Seven million dollars going once…going twice…going three times. Sold to buyer number two for seven million dollars.”

A sense of relief hits me at first, but then I’m consumed by confusion and then disbelief. I just spent seven million dollars on a virgin.

What the fuck have I done?



SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS. I mean, I guess I should feel flattered in a way. None of the other girls went for much over a million. Although I’m sure my virginity played a role in my exuberant price tag, because my little act of defiance on stage certainly didn’t help the way I thought it would.

I’m being led down a shadowy hallway with the other women. I have no idea what will happen next, and not knowing is perhaps the worst part of all. My hands are tied behind me this time, like all the rest. And since I’m at the front of the line, I don’t even have time to react or study my surroundings when they open the main doors and then a black hood is thrown over my head. Darkness consumes me, and I struggle to breathe through the heavy material.

I hear cars running in the distance, and we’re being led towards them. I stop walking, and I quickly regret that decision. A boot is planted against my backside, kicking me. I stumble forward but manage not to fall flat on my face.

“Keep moving!” someone demands from behind me.

I can hear one of the women cry out, and I turn my head towards that direction, but I can’t see a damn thing and I’m definitely not in any position to help her.

Suddenly, I feel the presence of someone next to me. I feel a soft caress on my bare arm before a voice whispers into my ear, “You should’ve been mine, little lamb.”

“Who are you?” I ask, trembling in fear.

“I’ll see you soon,” the mysterious man says calmly, but it sounds like a warning…or a threat. Then, I hear his footsteps retreat, his presence no longer casting a dark shadow across my hood.

Before I can even contemplate what the man meant or who he might be, I’m being pulled into another direction by someone else. I’m pressed up against the exterior of a vehicle before I hear a door opening, and then I’m violently shoved inside. I fall face first onto a soft leather seat, and then I hear the door close behind me.