Page 8 of Keep Her Safe

I’ve been with him for three years and I haven’t cried yet; what does that mean?

“I think I’m still numb.”

She nods. “He was still in Canada as of yesterday.” Veronica has been my eyes and ears because I’ve been avoiding all social media including my burner accounts. “Spotted going to get groceries looking like a tool.” She says with a look of disgust.

I get out of bed, stretching my legs with each step, and move into the bathroom with Veronica right on my heels.

“Do you want to go out tonight? The guys have all been trying to get together.” I shoot her a look and she shakes her head. “I haven’t told them anything. It might be good to get out though.” I begin brushing my teeth as she continues. “We don’t have to do anything crazy. Maybe just toRush?”she says mentioning one of the more lowkey clubs we frequent. “We start the press tour next week, so it’s the last bit of time we all have together before we go back.”

I spit and stare at her through the mirror. “Sure, but lowkey, V. Just the guys.”

Me: Veronica and I are going out in a little while.

I stare down at my phone knowing that I’m about to be hit with a mass of questions in response to my vague text message and sure enough, the bubbles appear instantly.

Damian: Where exactly and what time?

A smirk pulls at my lips knowing he’s probably a little irritated with me because he hates when I’m vague with details. I go to respond when Veronica comes into my room carrying two glasses filled with a clear liquid and cut-up strawberries swirling amongst the ice that I assume to be something with vodka. Her makeup bag that she never leaves the house without sits under her other arm while her hairbrush is held between her teeth. She’s still in a white silky bathrobe but her hair is blow-dried and pin-straight hanging down her back.

She hands me the drink and I take a sip before shooting Veronica a look over the rim of the glass that is filled with more vodka than tonic. She winks at me before she speaks, not even addressing the strength of the drinks she made. “How dressy are we thinking tonight? I brought all kinds of outfits. Also, should I curl my hair?”

“No leave it, you look hot.” I turn back to my phone when I feel it vibrate in my hands.

Damian: Are you planning on meeting anyone?

Damian didn’t love when Veronica and I went out with the entire main cast of the show. The six of us are like family and we tend to get a little more reckless when we’re all out together. With it being the last week before we enter into our final season of taping, I’m sure he’s predicting us to be in rare form when and if we’re together.

Me: I think we are just going to Rush or any of our usual spots downtown. Maybe in an hour? Probably just Jeremy and Derek.

I rattle off the answers to his questions and I’m already preparing for more when my phone begins to ring in my hand. I swipe my finger across the screen, and before I can even say hello, he speaks. “Think, maybe, and probably,” he repeats. “Do you have any definitive plans? Are you sure you even want to go out?” It’s a question, but the bite in his tone makes it sound more like, “Why would you want to go out?”

“Yes, I need to get out.”

“Are you sure about that?” I can tell he wants to say more but he doesn’t and I’ve now caught Veronica’s attention as she emerges from my closet holding up my brand new Jimmy Choo boots that I haven’t even worn yet. I shake my head and mouthNOat her and she rolls her eyes and stomps her foot before retreating into my closet.

“Tell Damian to RELAX!” she yells.

“Did you hear that?” I ask him, knowing that Veronica’s voice carries and that he more than likely did.

“Tell Veronica that I will certainly not relax and that Max is sick of her shit.” I chuckle over the fact that Damian has developed a sort of friendship with Veronica’s security because of how often we’re together, and I do believe that her bodyguard, Max, is probably sick of her shit.

“Damian, I’m fine.”

“Are you? I don’t think this is a good idea.”And?I think to myself.

“Okay, well I don’t recall taking a poll. I’ll see you in an hour,” I snap before hanging up the phone and tossing it over my shoulder. I should be able to go out with my friends without it being some huge inquisition, especially after the past two weeks I’ve had.And even if I do get hammered and embarrass myself, so long as I’m safe, how is that his problem?

“You sound pissed.” I hear Veronica’s voice from inside my closet.

I’m about to respond when a hard knock on the door startles me and my eyes snap to it knowing not many people would be knocking on my door like that. “What?!”

“Open the door.” His voice is low and Veronica comes out of my closet wearing wide-leg leather pants and a strapless lace top both of which are mine, earning a look from me. She puts her hands together under her chin to saypleaseand I roll my eyes before opening the door. “Did you hang up on me?” The first thing I notice, like always, are his eyes. Icy blue and narrowed with anger. His lips are pulled into a scowl and his arms are crossed over his chest. He’d changed out of his suit into black jeans and a black t-shirt that isn’t particularly tight but still seems to highlight his very muscular forearms and his chest, the sexy sleeve of tattoos, and if he lowered his arms and I looked hard enough, I could make out his eight pack.

God, he looked good like this.

Despite my obvious ogling, I remember that I’m irritated. “You were being unreasonable, Damian. We are just going toRush. Can you relax?” I put my hands up letting him know I’m not in the mood for a back and forth.

He cocks an eyebrow at me like he’s surprised at my annoyance before he nods. “Fine. I’ll see you both in an hour. Please text me where you’re planning to start and a tentative plan for the rest of the night.”