Page 92 of Keep Her Safe

He pulls something out of his pocket before pressing a knife to my neck just as I hear the door open.

“Get the fuck away from her. I will shoot you,” Kent barks.

“I will kill her first. For god’s sake, you can’t even pee alone?” He looks at me and then at Kent and pushes the knife a little harder into my flesh. I whimper. “I don’t want to kill you, baby, but don’t push me.” Jeremy stares down at me with an angry expression. “I never wanted it to come to this.” He pulls his hand away from my mouth and looks at Kent as he pulls me in front of him, using me as a shield. “Drop it,” he says looking at the gun in his hand.

My bottom lip trembles. “This whole time?”

“Do you mind? I want to talk to her alone,” he says looking at Kent. He’s still got a knife pressed against my neck and I’m standing in front of him so there is not much that Kent can do at the moment.

“I am not leaving her.”

Jeremy pushes a little harder and I cry out.

“Just wait outside, Kent,” I tell him.

“I’ll lower my gun.”

“Nope. This is privileged information between me and Shay. Sorry.”

“I’ll be fine,” I tell him and I wish I had the kind of wordless communication with him that I used to have with Damian even before we were together. He leaves the bathroom though I hear him shuffling outside, so I know he’s close.

Jeremy lowers his knife and I rub the space on my neck where the knife was. “Did you do…that was you driving? You could have killed Damian.”

“That was the plan, Shay,” he scoffs. “Had I actually been driving, I would have. It’s fucking impossible to find good help, but I couldn’t risk getting hurt and fucking up the show. Lucas would have a fit.” I blink at him in confusion.He actually thinks I’m going to continue the show with him?“Well, I assume the show is going to halt for a few weeks while you and I disappear.”

Fear floods me at the wordsyou, I,anddisappear.“Wh—what are you talking about?”

“Well, yeah, you and I are going to Europe.”

“For what?”

“To elope obviously. We’ve discovered our feelings and we knew it would come as a shock to everyone so we fell off the face of the Earth and will resurface as man and wife.” He takes a step closer and puts a hand on my cheek and then drags it down my body. “God you’re pretty. I can’t wait to put a baby in here.” He rubs a hand over my stomach and it causes a wave of nausea to move through me.

I feel disgusted with his hands on me and the thought of bringing a child into the worldnot to mention, what it takes to make said child,with this monster has me wanting to throw up everything I’ve eaten today. “You’re crazy.”

“I am only crazy about you and you just won’t let us be together.”

Keep him talking, Shay, I’m almost there,I can practically hear Damian say.“No, you are crazy. Why didn’t you just tell me you had feelings for me? What is all of this? You…are you the one sending me letters too?”

“My manager says I do have a flair for dramatics.”

“Oh my god, all along?” I shake my head realizing just how much he has everyone fooled. “What if I say no?”

“Then, I keep going until it’s done.”

My blood runs cold at what he means by that. “What’s done?”

“Damian’s death.”

Tears rush to my eyes at the thought of living in a world without Damian, a world where he wasn’t the center of mine. “I’ll just go to the police,” I tell him. “They’ll believe me.” I almost tell him that he’s already a suspect in the accident but I decide against it.

“Fine.” He shrugs. “I’ll be in prison, but Damian will still be dead.” He gives me a smug grin that quickly turns sinister. “You don’t understand, Princess. The only way Damian lives is ifyoumarryme.”

“Oh my god.” I let out a breath.Or I kill him myself.

“Do you know how long I’ve waited for this? To have you to myself?” He sighs. “We are going to be so happy. And rich! Oh my gosh, fans are going to lose their shit when they figure out we got married. This season is going to explode. You’ll definitely win that Emmy.”

He expects us to finish out the season? What the fuck?