Page 89 of Keep Her Safe

I shake my head. “D…we need to talk about this.”

His eyebrows pinch. “Okay?”

I move away from him so that I can face him straight on. “It can’t be this constant battle every time I have an appearance.”

“It’s not, Shay.”

“Yes, it is. I’ve been dreading telling you about this all day because I knew you would try to talk me out of going.”

“You do see the state I’m in, right?” he says waving his hand towards his body.

“Yes, but I have security.”

“Not the point, Shay. What if you had been with me? What if they do the same thing to Kent while you’re in the car? What if it’s worse next time?” He rattles off a series of questions like they’re all he’s thought about all day.

“I don’t know, but I can’t live my life in fear.”

“I don’t want you to and when I’m well enough to move around, I won’t be as paranoid because at least I can ward off the threats. I know that I can protect you, Shay, but right now, I’m unable to move and yeah, that scares me that you’re out there with a very real threat or a potential stalker while I’m stuck in here unable to do shit about it.”

“Have there been any more letters?”

“Nothing since the accident.” He shakes his head.

“See! Then maybe, it’s over?”

“Right,” he says, grabbing his computer.

“Maybe he just wanted to scare me.” He doesn’t respond so I continue. “Damian, the point is I think that even when you’re better we should consider hiring someone else.”

“I think I’ve been pretty adamant about how I feel about that,” he says without looking away from his screen.

“Okay, but it’s not just your decision.”

“As the head of your security, I beg to differ.”

“Damian,Ihiredyou. That means I do have the final say in this.” Feeling exasperated, I get off the bed and cross my arms over my chest.

“I was told to keep you safe by any means necessary, even if you’re throwing a tantrum.”

My eyebrows feel like they go to my hairline. “Are you kidding me? I’m throwing a tantrum because I have to go to a premiere and you know, MY JOB?” I can feel myself getting excited and I know I don’t want to argue with him buttantrum?

“You do a lot of other unnecessary shit too, Shay, and normally it’s fine, but circumstances are different right now, and you’re either too naïve or immature to see that.”

What the fuck?“Immature?”

“I already said I understood about the premiere. Yes, I don’t love the fact that you’re going out without me, but I get it, it’s your job. It doesn’t mean I want you running all over California unprotected. If you can’t understand why, then yes that makes you immature.”

“This is all because of us being together. You’ve always been intense but this is on another level.”

“So, I should care less about your safety because we’re together?”

“No, but you’re letting your feelings cloud your judgment and it’s going to ruin us.” I’m starting to fully understand his hesitation about us being together if this is how it’s going to be for the rest of my life. “The problem with all of this is I’m used to things being a certain way and now it’s like it’s changed and you think you have more of a say because we’re together. You don’t get to just pull rank because you’re my boyfriend now.”

“Pulling rank how exactly? You’re still going to the premiere.”

“That wasn’t up for debate!”

His nostrils flare and I can tell he’s getting angry. “So, you just don’t care about my thoughts at all now when it comes to your safety?” His voice is low and growly and if we weren’t in an argument, I might find it sexy. I’ll admit it still does something to me despite my irritation.