Page 44 of Keep Her Safe



“No, Shay.” He closes the door before I can protest any further. We make it off the lot and are driving towards my house just as the sky begins to darken. It wasn’t calling for rain and it’s only two in the afternoon, so I’m surprised by the ominous dark clouds. Damian hasn’t said anything and I’m not sure what to make of it.

“Are you going to say anything?”

“Not while I’m driving, no.” His voice is even and he doesn’t even look at me.

I frown. “Why?”

“Because that was the scariest moment of my life and I can’t relive it and operate a vehicle at the same time.”

“I’m okay though. You got to me in time.”

“By a fucking millisecond. Now quiet.” I’m sitting behind the passenger’s side so I can see that he’s got a death grip on the steering wheel. His knuckles are turning white and I can hear them cracking. He goes the speed limit the whole time, adhering to every traffic law like he’s afraid something might happen again. I watch relief wash over every inch of him the second we are inside my community and driving up to my house. He drives through my private gate and when he pulls to a stop in front of my house, his shoulders sag and he puts a hand on his forehead before he unbuckles his seatbelt. He turns to look at me and a sad smile finds his face.

“No one would have been able to get to you that fast. If I hadn’t been there…” His nostrils flare. “I’m going to be a nightmare on that set once you start shooting.”

I bite my bottom lip, “Damian, it was an accident.”

“I don’t fucking do accidents. Not where you’re concerned.”

Lust flares through me and my sex clenches despite the dull ache everywhere else.

“Can you come get me out of the car, so you can kiss me already?” I cock my head to the side.

He nods, gets out of the car, and opens the door for me before he stops and looks behind him at the house and then back at me. He takes a step back. “I would feel better if I checked out the house first.”

I lower my arms that were previously outstretched for him to lift me into his arms. “What? Damian…”

“No, just…until I’m one hundred percent sure what just happened was an accident, I’m taking extra precautions.” I gasp thinking that he suspects that maybe what happened was intentional and a chill snakes down my spine. “I don’t want to scare you.” His hands find my face and he presses a gentle kiss to my forehead that I desperately wish was on my lips. I whimper when he pulls back. “Ten minutes. You remember the drill.”

I roll my eyes remembering all the nights I couldn’t even get into my own house until he’d searched it top to bottom and my house isn’t exactly small. I let out an annoyed sigh and shift uncomfortably in my seat figuring now is the best time to call Veronica and tell her not to come over because I want some alone time with Damian.

“I’m going to be there in five,” she says the second she answers the phone. “Do you want me to bring anything?”


“No. You can ride his dick later. I’m coming over.”

“I’m fine, I swear, and yes I would like to ride his dick without you in the house.”

“You can barely walk, how are you going to do that?”

I mentally shoot her my middle finger. “Okay, maybe he’ll do most of the work. The point is, can you not?”

She huffs and I can hear the sounds of her turn signal. “Shay, that was really freaking scary. Not many things could stop me and Derek by the way, but I heard the crash and everyone screaming your name.”

“I know and I appreciate it, but I swear I’m fine, and you know Damian will take care of me. He’s pretty shaken up too, so I think he might want to be alone with me.”

“Fiiiiine…” she trails off. “Okay, I’ll give you guys some space now, but maybe I’ll swing by later?”

“Okay,” I relent.

We get off the phone and after a few more minutes Damian comes outside and I can tell his body is still tense from the events of the day. He pulls me into his arms and presses a kiss to my neck. “All good.” We make it inside and then up the stairs and I hear water running. “I’m running you a bath. It’ll help with your muscles and any aches and pains,” he answers in response to the look I’m giving him.

“Are you going to join me?”