Page 58 of Cruel Vows

Sasha leads me deeper into the penthouse condo. It’s luxurious but, at the same time, homey.

“Hello, dear,” Svetlana greets me as we enter the large kitchen that openly flows into the rest of the penthouse. Floor-to-ceiling windows line every available outside wall, allowing light to drift through openly.

“Hi.” I smile shyly at her, unsure if I should call her Svetlana or Mrs. Volkov.

“Thank you, Sasha,” she tells him with a smile. “I’ll take it from here.”

Sasha bows his head slightly before turning and leaving the two of us alone.

“Would you like something to drink?” she asks as she opens the refrigerator door.

“Yes, please.”

A few moments later she sets a glass of chardonnay in front of me. After pouring one for herself as well, she motions for me to sit with her on the large gray sectional that dominates her living space. It provides an amazing view of the city through the large, unobstructed windows.

“I take it this isn’t a social call,” she gleans. I tense at her intuitive nature. This must be where Adrian gets it. She smiles into her glass when I remain silent. “Does this have something to do with the man and child you were following yesterday?”

My eyes widen in surprise. How did she know?

“One thing you will learn about me is that I see everything.” She smirks. “My son isn’t the only one with resources. Which is why I am assuming you came to me instead of him.”

Yep, scary intuitive.

“I need to know who they are.”


I expected her to ask for my reasoning, but I’ve been unsure about giving her the true answer. She’s a Volkov. An enemy. She can use the information I give her against me. Against the girl. They could use her to gain access to everything. The entire Castellanos fortune will be at their fingertips, and they will not need me any longer. But there is something in her eyes that pulls on my soul, begging me to trust her.

“I think the girl is my sister,” I blurt out. Svetlana nods slowly as she takes in what I just told her.

“And what makes you believe that?” she questions, and I tell her. I tell her everything starting from the very beginning. I’ve never confided in anyone this way before. Not even Ada, but I don’t think I ever fully trusted Ada to keep my secrets. It’s why I never told her about my letters to Adrik.

“You’re sure that it is the exact same birthmark?” she asks. I nod.

“It’s been the defining trait in my father’s family for as long as I can remember.” I show her the mark. “None of my father’s family is alive to give birth to a child. It was either him or my grandfather.” My face screws up in distaste at the thought of my grandfather having children at his age.


“Ada had that same mark,” she says. “I remember seeing it a few times.”

I shake my head. “No, Ada cut her skin to look like mine when she was thirteen. She’d told me she wanted to be a Castellanos too. I remember thinking how crazy it was that she thought my life was something to be envied.”

“Her mark wasn’t caused by a knife, Vanya,” she says. “It’s a birthmark just like yours.”

“How can you be sure?”

“Before Ada married my son, she needed to go through a medical examination,” she states. “It’s required for all prenup negotiations.”

I wasn’t aware there had been a prenup.

“Aren’t those exams confidential?”

Svetlana shoots me a sly smile. “If the doctor isn’t the one on your payroll.”

Makes sense.

“So, you’re telling me that the mark on her wrist is a true birthmark?” I clarify. Svetlana nods.