Page 32 of Cruel Vows

“I don’t know who you met,” I pant through the hold he has on my windpipe. “But it wasn’t Ada’s mother.”

Snarling, he releases my throat and pockets the photo.

“You better pray you aren’t lying.”

I look at him in disbelief.

“Why would I lie about something like that?” I ask, my words raspy. Motherfucking, son of a whore, disease-ridden, stupid twatwaffle.

“I can hear you.”


Apparently, my inside thoughts weren’t as inside as I thought they were.

Oh well. What is he going to do?

Humiliate me?

Sell me?

He’s already done both of those things so the man can go fuck himself.

“If this is Ada’s mother,” he holds the photo out for me to see like I haven’t owned it nearly my entire life. “Who is the woman I met?”

“How the hell am I supposed to know?” I shoot him a look of confusion. “I’m not even sure why she would lie in the first place. She loved her mother. I don’t see her being ashamed of her.”

“Seeing as how your friend lied to me our entire marriage,” he hisses, “I’m not really surprised.”


The only liar here is him. He lied and manipulated her into spying on my family. She had been crushed by his betrayal. When she’d learned that he had used her to spy and gain access to the family’s business, she lost it. It had been too much for her to bear.

“The only liar here is you,” I spit out at him, anger surging through my veins. His brow furrows at my sudden vehemence. I hope he sees the raw hatred burning through my gaze. He may have saved my life, but I wouldn’t play the docile captive any longer. Ada was the victim. Not him. I won’t let him twist my memories of my friend like he twisted her.

He can bend me all he likes, but I won’t break.

Adrian calls melittle mousebecause he thinks I am docile and weak.

But I am not a mouse. Far from it.

I’m a viper and if he isn’t careful, he’ll get bit.

And he won’t see it coming.


Vanya’s words echo in my mind as we exit the house and head back to the car. Anton is already waiting, the phone in his hand. He’s frowning, his thumb scrolling. Something is up. My little captive ignores me as she scoots into the back seat, duffle bag on her lap as if that will protect her from me.

Red marks score her neck from where I had wrapped my fingers around her pretty little throat. She is lying, she has to be. I’d met Ada’s mother a few days after the wedding. She’d been unable to make it due to poor timing. I never thought anything of it because Ada had told me that she never had a good relationship with her mother. It didn’t bother her not to have her at our ceremony, so it hadn’t bothered me.

Now I am beginning to think that there is more to it than I originally thought.

Vanya is right. She has no reason to lie to me about Ada’s parentage. But what did Ada have to gain from lying? She could have simply told me her mother was dead, I never would have questioned it. Something isn’t adding up.

Sliding into the back seat, I turn to Vanya and ask, “What do you mean when you say Ada came to live with you?”

Vanya grimaces as if she is somehow betraying a secret. “Ada and Cora came to live with us when I was ten. My father hired her as a maid and Ada became my playmate. When I look back at it, Ada was just another way for my parents to control me.”