Page 6 of Seductive Sadist

My own rage casts a shadow over his rage. He digs his fingertips deep into my wrists, making me wince.

And fuck me if heat doesn’t pool between my thighs as his hard cock presses against my stomach.

My knees wobble as they always did when he flew into my airspace. With a brutal war waging between my body and my mind, I am caught in the middle, dangling over the edge of sanity as all the filthy, dirty things he did that night come back to pummel me like paintball pellets.

I hate him. Hate him!

But oh my God, I want him. So badly!

The corners of his lips lift into a sinister smile. “You can run to Rhode Island for school, but you’ll never escape.”

“Fuck you.” My voice quivers, heart thrashing in my chest.

“Nothing can change what you did. Whatwedid. I own you, Skyla.”

Then he lets go of me and takes a step backward, malice glimmering in his gaze as it drinks me in. The eye raping leaves me aching and sore, it was so vicious.

He is pure evil.

“You deserve what you got.” I spit out the words, my lungs quaking. Shivers assault my body under his murderous stare.

But he doesn’t say a word. He just turns and walks away.

My jaw drags on the floor, my mind unable to comprehend what just happened. I’d pushed what happened to the dark corners of my mind, hoping that the threat would just disappear.

Except he’s very much alive and well.

“Sky.” Laney runs over, her high heels clunking on the shiny lacquered dance floor. My throat clenches at the alarmed expression on her face.

Please tell me she didn’t see that…

She jerks her head left and right, grabs me by the hand, and pulls me along behind her. “We have to leave. Now.”

“What’s wrong?” I ask, out of breath from our sudden sprint to the exit. I tug on her hand to get her to slow down.

Laney turns to me and my breath hitches. “Riley is waiting outside with the car.” Her eyes brim with panic. I hug her shivering body against me. But she doesn’t answer my question.

“Tell me what’s going on. Was Tyson bothering you again? We can go to security. They’ll kick his ass out.”

Laney just shakes her head, her big eyes wet with tears. “I just need to go. Please. Don’t ask any more questions, okay? We need to get away from here.”

She clasps my hand and drags me out the back door and we climb into Riley’s Mercedes. “Maybe I should drive. I only had that one shot, and Riley—”

Riley peels out of the parking lot. “Oh, calm the fuck down. I’m fine.”

I grab my seat belt and clip myself into the back seat, a silent prayer to get home safely looping through my mind.

She pulls onto the main road. The car lurches forward. I grip the edge of the seat, my pulse punching a hole in my throat.

Riley rambles about some guy whose number she got just as a blinding white light flashes in my periphery. I choke on a stilted breath and grasp the side of the door. Her words are drowned out by blaring horns and the sickening crush of metal against metal.

The oncoming car plows into the passenger side door, shoving us into the center of the road. My body jerks at the impact, head slamming against the side window. Screams fill the car, the sounds muffled by shattering glass. Sharp shards fly at me, slicing at my skin. My vision blurs, breaths get shallow.

One final thought echoes between my ears before I fall forward into a pit of blackness.

God didn’t listen.

My prayers didn’t work.