Page 5 of Seductive Sadist

“My name isSkyla,” I seethe, moving between him and my sister. His dipshit friends surround us, a sea of dumbass trust fund kids with not a single functioning brain cell between them. “And she told you to piss off.”

His eyes flash. “You’re mine, Laney. Everyone knows it. When are you gonna stop fighting it?”

Laney flips him off. “I’m not a fucking prize cow. I don’t care what you think you were promised, but it is never, ever happening.”

Tyson lets out a chuckle. “Never say never, sweetheart. I always win and you know it.” He reaches around her back and pulls her close to his chest. “This is far from over. I’ll get what I want or nobody will.”

With all of my might, I slam my fist down on his arm, but he’s too wasted to even blink an eye. Then the king of the idiots turns and walks away, his court following close behind.

I pull Laney away from our group. “What the hell was he talking about?” I ask my sister, whose expression has gone from relaxed and carefree to pinched with panic.

She shakes her head, long blonde curls catching the light and glowing like a halo around her face. “It’s nothing. You know he’s always talking out of his ass.”

That’s true enough. Our fathers have been in business together for too many years to count and as he’s gotten hotter and hotter, his demeanor has become insanely toxic to the point where breathing in the same air might actually be lethal to people around him.

“Then why do you look so rattled?”

Laney waves her hand. “I was just surprised to see him here. I figured he’d have gone back to Princeton by now.”

I let out a snort of laughter. “Princeton, what a joke. I think Daddy Van Dyne must’ve had to buy half the campus for him to get admitted.”

Laney giggles and loops her arm through mine. “Come on. It’s our last night. Let’s not waste time or breath on that jackass.”

“Okay. I’m going to run to the ladies’ room real quick to check out my mess of a dress.”

“It’s already dry.” Laney winks at me. “But fine, don’t take my word for it.”

I watch her walk back to the group. A deep sigh slips from my lips. She is definitely hiding something about Tyson. Laney never gets angry, and she definitely doesn’t flip people off, especially the son of her father’s longtime business partner.

I walk through the crowded dance floor toward the ladies’ lounge. The hairs on my arms prickle. If that jerk did anything to her—

My back wrenches as my foot slides out from under me. Arms flailing, I desperately try to avoid face-planting into the giant puddle of what I’m hoping is only booze on the floor. I do what feels like a full three-sixty before I collapse into a strong set of arms.

I choke back a gasp when I finally look up and see the face I spent way too many months pining for… followed by a boatload of months where I wished him dead.

“I should have let you fall so you know how it feels to hit rock bottom.” His deep blue eyes glitter with disdain, but his arms are still snaked around my waist, tight enough where my face is practically pressed against his thick, muscled chest. His familiar cologne invades my nostrils, and even though I try like hell to resist dragging his sultry scent into my lungs, he manages to consume me.

Just like he always did.

I push away from him, but his grip is too firm.

“Like I don’t know already?” I smack him hard across the face. “Or maybe you don’t remember what you did to me?”

His jaw tightens and he grabs both of my wrists and flips me around so my back is against a wall. He leans into me. A rush of breath catches in my throat before my shocked yelp hits the air.

“You knew exactly what you were getting into. I never made you any promises.”

My jaw drops. “But you sure as hell made sure you got what you wanted.”

“I wasn’t the only one who ‘wanted.’ Let’s not bullshit one another.”

I can’t argue. I’d fantasized about my brother’s best friend from the second he walked into our home years ago. Not that he ever noticed me. Until one day something changed between us. Or so I thought. But it wasn’t real. His feelings weren’t real. How could they be? I could never be his type.

Unfortunately, my feelings were very freaking real, and my heart was very much broken when he turned his back and walked out on me.

“Get the hell away from me. I never want to see you again, you sadistic cocksucker.”

“If memory serves, it wasn’t me sucking cock that night.”