Page 79 of Soulmates

“What happened when Micah took you and Sierra to Heaven?” I asked.

Sierra had been pregnant with a Nephilim, the spawn of an angel and a human that had been outlawed back before the Flood. Nova was never supposed to be. We’d all thought that at the very least, Nathaniel and Sierra wouldn’t be able to keep her, but they’d left Heaven with permission to stay together and raise their little family. And none of us knew what went down between them and Father.

Nathaniel stiffened, all his concern turning to suspicion in an instant.

“Why did he let you go? How did you get to keep Sierra and Nova?” I needed to know what made them so special. And if he could have his human wife, could I have one too?

The next second I was flying backward, my wings flaring out before I hit the opposite wall. Nathaniel moved with me, getting in my face. “I love you, Samuel. You’re my family, but if youeverpose a threat to my wife or daughter, I will not hesitate to destroy you.”

“Calm your tits,” I drawled. “I’m not threatening your family, and I would never do anything to hurt Nova.”

“Forgive me for not trusting that when you’re butting your nose into our business and asking questions.”

I shoved at his chest, sending him back a step. “Did it ever occur to you that this doesn’t have anything to do with you? I am not trying to fuck up what you have here. I’m just trying to understand what makes you the first angel ever to be exempt from a law that’s been around since Micah was a baby.”

“Why do you want to know?” he asked softly, his voice laced with danger and challenge.

Nope. I wasn’t going there. I knew I couldn’t hide Siren from my world forever, but I could sure as hell try.

I forced my lips into a smirk. “Must be nice to not have the rules apply to you. I guess that makes you Daddy’s favorite.”

Nathaniel’s expression darkened. “Get out of my house. Now.”

The door to the gym opened.

“What’s going on in here?” Sierra asked from the doorway. “Why do you look like you want to murder each other?”

“Sierra, I need you to take Nova and go to our room,” Nathaniel said without taking his eyes off me.

“For fuck’s sake, Nathaniel. I’m not going to hurt them,” I roared, louder than I’d meant to. Shit, I really needed to get a grip.

“Nate,” Sierra said calmly. “Come take Nova. Sam and I are going to have a chat.”

“No,” he growled.

“Yes,” she replied simply.

I was sure he was going to refuse, and I was about to grab my stuff and just leave like he wanted when he moved to Sierra’s side and took the baby from her arms, murmuring something in his wife’s ear before leaving the room.

“I never thought I’d see the day,” I said, watching the door close behind Nathaniel.

“What’s going on?” Sierra asked, crossing her arms.

“Your husband has anger issues.”

“No, he has overprotective issues. So I’m going to ask you again. What happened?”

I shook my head. “I asked him why he got to have his human wife and Nephilim baby when all the rest of us have to suffer through eternity alone.”

“Samuel.” I hated the pitying look she was giving me.

“Never mind. I was looking for a fight. I’ll get out of your hair.”

“Wait.” She reached for me even though we had half a room of space between us. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

She let out a sigh. “I know how Nate can come across, but I also know he cares about you. If you need anything, we’re here. You once helped us fight our battles. Please don’t think we wouldn’t do the same for you.”