Page 48 of Soulmates

“He’s perfect for you. He’s polite, wants a wife and children, has the perfect house in the country set and ready for you. He’d almost certainly support your desire to foster and help other children, and he obviously wants you.”

“The way you don’t?”

“I already told you I don’t date. I never will. Don’t mistake my being here tonight for anything but a favor to a girl I respect enough not to leave stranded. I can’t make your dreams come true. He can.”

“How would you know?”

Sam’s lips twisted up in a mockery of a smile. “Trust me. He’s not playing you or being dishonest about what he wants for his future. You two fit. You’re from the same world.”

“There’s more to a good match than coming from the same social scene.”

“He’s got a good soul. He can give you what you deserve.”

“Why are you pushing this?”

“Because you can do better than begging me to come to parties with you.” He stepped out of the elevator. “Good night, Siren.”

He didn’t look back as he walked out the door of the building.

My eyes burned, and the next breath I took caught in my throat. How could this hurt so much? It wasn’t like I thought I had a future with Sam, but I wasn’t unaffected by the time we’d shared. It wasn’t every day a man kissed me like Sam had in that linen closet or made me feel so protected and strong at the same time.

Sam pushed me like no one ever had. He didn’t push me to be better. He pushed me to beme.



“Are you feeling all right?”Mamma asked me Saturday morning when I got back from my run. She was sitting in one of the chairs overlooking the backyard through the floor-to-ceiling kitchen windows, a cup of coffee in her hands.

I sent her a quick smile and dropped into the chair beside her. “I’m perfectly fine.” At least that was what I’d been telling myself since I’d gotten home after the party at Hayden’s last weekend.

“Are you sure? You’ve seemed… off this week.”

Offwas one way of saying it. I’d cried myself to sleep last Saturday night and then woken up pissed with myself for caring about Sam’s rejection. He was a childhood fantasy I hadn’t wanted to let go of, but he was right when he said we were all wrong for each other.

Despite everything, I trusted Sam’s opinion. If he thought Freddie had a good soul—not to mention he had my parents’ and Nacio’s blessing as well—I was willing to give him a real chance.

I’d texted him Sunday afternoon to apologize for leaving the party without saying goodbye. We’d gone out dancing that night. He’d invited me for coffee with his mother Monday and then shown up at my house with a diamond necklace that was nearly as ridiculous as the ruby one I’d worn to Hayden’s party. And Thursday evening he’d taken me out to dinner.

Everything about Freddie was perfect. He was courteous, levelheaded, and he cared about my opinions and passions. After growing up as an only child, Freddie said he didn’t ever want to put his children through that life. We wanted the same things from life. He was easy to read, and sweet, and I couldn’t find one thing about him to complain about.

I had no reason to not be okay.

If I felt off-balance, it had to be because this was so new. I’d never expected to end up with Freddie Rossi, not even in this casual get-to-know-you kind of relationship. It had nothing to do with the fact that he didn’t accuse me of hiding or call me Siren.

“Piper?” Mamma was looking at me expectantly.

“Sorry. What?” I focused on her.

“What are you up to today?”

“Freddie’s taking me to a party tonight.”

“You’ve been spending an awful lot of time with him lately.” She didn’t say it like she thought it was wonderful news. Seemed a little unfair of her since he washerchoice for me.

“Is that a problem?” I asked, letting probably a bit too much of my annoyance show.

“What happened to Sam?”