Page 99 of Soulmates

“I didn’t want you involved!” he shouted, his own temper flaring to life.

“That wasn’t your decision to make!” I screamed back. “I am a person, Nacio. I have my own feelings and opinions. You don’t get to live my life for me.”

“What was I supposed to say?” he demanded. “He’s an angel. He hasn’t aged a day since I met him when I was eighteen. His world is a mess of politics I can’t even pretend to understand, and the people close to him get hurt. It might not be his fault, but it’s the reality of his life. And he knows it. For goodness’ sake, Piper, he’s had people guarding you whenever he’s not with you.”

“So instead of trying to explain that, you yelled at us and had hissy fits when things didn’t go your way.” I shook my head. “I really expected better from you, Nacio.” I started to turn away, but Nacio’s next words stopped me.

“I was halfway to being an addict,” he said softly. “I felt lost and useless. The only thing I was good at was music, and I already knew I didn’t want Papa’s life. I drank away my feelings of inadequacy and was debating dabbling in something stronger than alcohol when I met Sam at an MMA fight. I was drunk off my ass at the time. Sam offered me a job, a chance to do something meaningful, and he helped me clean up my act.”

I racked my brain, trying to remember if I’d ever actually seen Nacio drink alcohol. We didn’t usually go out to bars together. Was it possible I’d been oblivious to his sobriety?

“I owe Samuel a debt I can’t ever repay. He gave me the life I have now, helped me to be the person I am. I need you to know that I don’t have any problem with him as a person, but he’s not just a normal person. All I wanted was for you to get all your dreams and to stay safe. I’m sorry, Piper. I was just trying to protect you.”

I swallowed hard. “I wish I’d known.”

“I didn’t want you to. I never wanted you to see me as the person who couldn’t win a fight against a bottle without divine help.”

“You know that I don’t think any less of you, right?”

“And I don’t think less of you for dating an angel.”

“I’m still mad at you for keeping secrets.”

Nacio cracked a smile. “I wouldn’t expect anything less from you. I am sorry.”

“And I’ll forgive you eventually. I’m going to go now. I still have more people to yell at.”

“Have fun with that,” Nacio said as I turned away from him and came face-to-face with Sam.

“What are you doing here?” I whispered.

“Looking for you.” He held out a hand. “Come on. You’ve already disturbed Nacio’s neighbors enough for one night.”

I eyed his outstretched hand. “What if I don’t want to go anywhere with you?”

Sam let out a sigh, as if I was being unreasonably difficult. He moved faster than I could react, his fingers closing around my wrist in an iron grip. He picked me up, ignoring my protests, and carried me honeymoon-style down endless flights of stairs.

I expected him to put me down once we reached the lobby, but he continued carrying me out of the building and down the street.

“Where are we going?” I demanded.

“Somewhere you can yell at me and we can figure our shit out.”

He didn’t stop until we were in the middle of a deserted rose garden. He really couldn’t have picked a more fitting place for us to have this fight.

“You lied to me,” I said as soon I was standing on my own feet again.

“I never lied to you, Siren.”

“Omitting facts is just another way of lying,” I insisted, crossing my arms to create a physical barrier between us.

Sam glared at me. “I never promised you answers. I’m not obligated to tell you my life story simply because you want to know it.”

“Sleeping with me isn’t a good enough reason to tell me that you’re a freaking angel?”

“You were not obligated to sleep with me.”

“You’re right.” I fought the tears trying to fall as pain lanced through my chest. “You didn’t force me. I made my own stupid choices.”