Page 101 of Soulmates

“Can I see it?”



“No. This isn’t an argument you’re going to win.”

“So you’d rather Inotbe able to defend myself against demons?”

Fuck. When she put it like that, I sounded like an asshole. I’d rather assign bodyguards to her and make sure she never had to get anywhere near a demon, but she did make a point that was hard to argue with. “I don’t want you fighting demons at all.”

“When you and Joriel went away, what were you really doing? Did it have to do with demons? And what kind of disease kills an angel?”

I shoved my free hand through my hair. This was why I hadn’t wanted to tell Siren the truth about my world. Three days and she was already driving me crazy. “Joriel’s sickness is a secret. He doesn’t want anyone to know, and I owe it to him to respect that. I shouldn’t have told you about it at all.” I let out a breath, already regretting what I was about to say. “We went away to search for information about a demon who has been building a small army of lesser demons.”

“Did you find what you were looking for?”

“No. No one seems to know who she is or anything about her plans.”

Siren was quiet while my head spun in circles, searching for answers that didn’t seem to exist.

“How scared should I be about you hunting demons?”

I pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head. “You have nothing to worry about. I’m going to be fine. I know what I’m doing.”

She sat up, pulling her dark hair into a bun, and reached for her abandoned clothes. “I should get home. I have a webinar in less than two hours.”

“You can always do that here. I do have internet and a computer.”

Her lips tipped up in a small smile. “I’ll keep that in mind. However, I need access to my notes, which means I need to be onmycomputer.”

I watched her get dressed, slowly covering all her delectable skin with fabric. I already wanted to strip her back out of her clothes and explore every inch of her body with my mouth. A couple of hours was more than enough time for her to get home. We could fit in a few more orgasms before she left.

“Whatever you’re thinking right now, the answer is no,” Siren said, leaning over the bed to kiss me.

I snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her back on top of me, using enough strength to keep her trapped while I sealed my lips over hers. She moaned against my mouth, and my dick went instantly hard again.

“I have to go,” she mumbled.

“I can be quick.” What was this woman doing to me? Never in a million years had I planned on being the guy promising he only needed five minutes. I was more of a take-my-time-and-draw-out-the torture type of person, but Siren made me crazy.


“Shh. I promise it’ll be worth it.”

Twenty minutes later, we were walking through the hallway labyrinth, past the back rooms, heading for the back door.

I’d hated this alley since the night Thomas got hurt in the demon ambush. I could still hear his pained scream, could still see the mess of blood and shredded skin that had been his chest.

My hand closed around Siren’s wrist, keeping her close to me even though there hadn’t been a demon here in nearly six weeks. If they’d come once, they could come again. And since I still didn’t know what the purpose had been for the last visit, I was counting on more demons showing up at some point.

What I didn’t expect was the woman standing in the alley, leaning against the brick wall across from the back door.

I bit back the curse that rose to my lips and tightened my grip on Siren’s wrist in a silent warning. This woman was no lesser demon. She wasn’t even a duchess of Hell or any of the other higher-ranking demons. And she was supposed to be dead.

She looked incredibly good for someone I’d assumed was rotting in Hell for the past forty-eight years. Long black hair tumbled in shiny waves, hanging down past her waist and nearly blending in with the high-necked navy-blue shirt she wore. The shirt was tucked into a pair of pristine white dress pants. She was the picture of elegance and grace, just as she’d always been. It was all an image to hide her twisted, frozen heart.

I met her cold blue eyes, which were set in a stunningly attractive face. There was a scar running vertically from her hairline through her right eyebrow and stopping just above the eye itself. A flaw in her otherwise perfect appearance.