King leans back and I take in the small little beads of blood glistening on his neck.
Looking down at my hand, the knife loosely in my grip by my thigh, then back into my eyes, he slowly pulls the gun out and I relax my mouth, the taste of metal strong on my taste buds.
“My stubborn girl has given in.” He smiles.
“Never,” I whisper, and before I can reconsider, I lift the knife and plunge it into his side, taking advantage of his shock to push him off me and crawl from underneath him.
A shot rings out. King growls and collapses onto his side, and I take my chance and run.
“THEO!” King shouts, the sound following me through the hallways as my bare feet run through the mansion.
Barely a minute later, King is on my tail, and as I haul open the large mansion door, I spin to look at him running across the landing towards me. The knife is gone, but his shirt is red from his bleeding wound.
I know I haven’t stabbed him deep enough to kill, maybe only enough to leave a small scar, but King is running full force, knife wound or not, and bleeding out isn’t going to stop him.
As fast as I can over the gravelled ground, I run. My feet cut and blister against the small pebbles, but I refuse to let it slow me down. I hear King behind me as another set of heavy footprints crunch on the gravel.
“Theodora!” King continues to shout. But I keep running.
I don’t look back. I don’t look around to see if any guards are on my tail. I run and I run until I reach the gates and pass through them.
Running out onto the road to disappear behind the trees, I have one last memory.
I hear King shout my name in panic. I see the blinding lights of the car coming straight for me and I feel the pain as my body is thrown over the car in force.
I ran from my protector and predator, only to be taken out by something entirely different.
I feelthe ropes around my wrist and ankles before I open my eyes and shift uncomfortably on the chair. My ears are ringing and the pulse behind my swollen eye is echoing in my head.
Opening my eyes, my right eye only opening halfway due to the shiner I most likely have, I squint into the semi-dark room and try to gain my bearings. Looking down, I notice I’m tied to a metal chair, my shirt dark red from where Theo stabbed me.
Jolting my head up, I look around and opposite me sits Theo, tied to an identical metal chair. Her hair is scattered everywhere. There are red and black bruises covering her face and arms, and she’s slouched, her head hanging off the back of the chair.
Anger courses through my veins as I process what’s happened. Theo holding a knife to my neck, and in turn, my gun to her head. I would have never pulled the trigger, but I knew she was up to something and when I saw her hand reaching around the mattress, I knew she’d hidden something there.
I look back down to my side and remember the knife cutting into my stomach. She hadn’t even pushed hard enough for it to impale me, just cut deep enough for it to bleed.
With the adrenaline coursing through me, I chased her through the house and down the long driveway. I look at Theo’s feet and see them all cut up, with dried blood coating her skin from where she ran across the gravel.
Then seeing the bright lights of the car and hearing the roar of the engine, watching Theo’s body fly high over the car at the impact. She looked like a ragdoll, thrown into the air to crash back down onto the solid pavement.
I ran to her side, checked that she was still breathing, then turned back to the car that had stopped ahead, ready to give them a piece of my mind and use that gun Theo had held between her sweet lips not minutes before. God, that shouldn’t turn me on half as much as it does.
Only when I looked up, a large boot smashed right into my stomach, knocking me down, then fist after fist came at me. I couldn’t see my attacker as they had a black ski mask on.Pussy.Can’t even beat me up and show their face.
Then I was knocked out and I woke up here, tied to a motherfucking chair in a dark room with a battered, bruised, and bleeding Theodora Harlow.
For what feels like hours, I continue to pull at the rope, try to wake up Theo and figure out where the fuck I could be and why, when finally, Theo starts to breathe heavier.
I look at her and see her chest rise and fall in fast heaves.
“Theo, you’re okay,” I speak quietly, letting her know she isn’t alone.
I hear her small whimpers as she lifts her head up slowly and her chin hits her chest as she moves her head from side to side, trying to alleviate the ache in her neck from where her head has been hanging at an awkward angle for hours. Her hair is hiding her face, but I can hear her panicked breaths.